Chapter 79.24 RCW



HTMLPDF 79.24.010Designation of landsSale, manner, consent of board.
HTMLPDF 79.24.020Use of funds restricted.
HTMLPDF 79.24.030Employment of assistantsPayment of expenses.
HTMLPDF 79.24.060Disposition of proceeds of salePublication of notice of proposals or bids.
HTMLPDF 79.24.085Disposition of money from sales.
HTMLPDF 79.24.087Capitol grant revenue to capitol building construction account.
HTMLPDF 79.24.300Parking facilities authorizedRental.
HTMLPDF 79.24.310Number and location of facilities.
HTMLPDF 79.24.320AppropriationsParking facilities, laboratories.
HTMLPDF 79.24.330Purchase of land for parking facilities authorized.
HTMLPDF 79.24.340Purchase of land for parking facilities authorizedConstruction of one-level facility.
HTMLPDF 79.24.400Sylvester ParkGrant authorized.
HTMLPDF 79.24.410Sylvester ParkSubsurface parking facility.
HTMLPDF 79.24.450Access to capitol grounds on described route authorized.
HTMLPDF 79.24.500Property described.
HTMLPDF 79.24.510Area designated as the east capitol site.
HTMLPDF 79.24.520Acquisition of property authorizedMeansOther state agencies to assist committee in executing chapter.
HTMLPDF 79.24.530Department of enterprise services to design and develop site and buildingsApproval of state capitol committee.
HTMLPDF 79.24.540State agencies may buy land and construct buildings thereonRequirements.
HTMLPDF 79.24.550State buildings to be constructed only on capitol groundsException.
HTMLPDF 79.24.560Department of enterprise services to rent, lease, or use properties.
HTMLPDF 79.24.570Use of proceeds from site.
HTMLPDF 79.24.590Use of private real estate and rights in site declared public use.
HTMLPDF 79.24.600Severability1961 c 167.
HTMLPDF 79.24.650Committee duties enumerated.
HTMLPDF 79.24.700Findings.
HTMLPDF 79.24.710Properties identified as "state capitol public and historic facilities."
HTMLPDF 79.24.720Department of enterprise services' responsibilities.
HTMLPDF 79.24.730Funding/grants for stewardship of state capitol public and historic facilities.


Control of traffic on capitol grounds: RCW 46.08.150 and 46.08.160.
State capitol committee: Chapter 43.34 RCW.


Designation of landsSale, manner, consent of board.

All lands granted to the state by the federal government for the purpose of erecting public buildings at the state capitol shall be known and designated as "Capitol Building Lands". None of such lands, nor the timber or other materials thereon, shall hereafter be sold without the consent of the board of natural resources and only in the manner as provided for public lands and materials thereon.

Use of funds restricted.

All funds arising from the sale of lands granted to the state of Washington for the purpose of erecting public buildings at the state capital shall be held intact for the purpose for which they were granted. Lands when selected and assigned to said grant shall not be transferred to any other grant, nor shall the moneys derived from said lands be applied to any other purpose than for the erection of buildings at the state capital.
[ 1893 c 83 s 1; RRS s 7896.]

Employment of assistantsPayment of expenses.

The board of natural resources and the department of natural resources may employ such cruisers, drafters, engineers, architects, or other assistants as may be necessary for the best interests of the state in carrying out the provisions of RCW 79.24.010 through 79.24.085, and all expenses incurred by the board and department, and all claims against the capitol building construction account shall be audited by the department and presented in vouchers to the state treasurer, who shall draw a warrant therefor against the capitol building construction account as herein provided or out of any appropriation made for such purpose.


Effective date1985 c 57: See note following RCW 18.04.105.

Disposition of proceeds of salePublication of notice of proposals or bids.

The proceeds of such sale of capitol building lands, or the timber or other materials shall be paid into the capitol building construction account which is hereby established in the state treasury to be used as in *this act provided. All contracts for the construction of capitol buildings shall be let after notice for proposals or bids have been advertised for at least four consecutive weeks in at least three newspapers of general circulation throughout the state.


*Reviser's note: "This act" first appears in 1909 c 69 codified as RCW 79.24.010 and 79.24.030 through 79.24.085.
Effective date1985 c 57: See note following RCW 18.04.105.

Disposition of money from sales.

All sums of money received from sales shall be paid into the capitol building construction account in the state treasury, and are hereby appropriated for the purposes of *this act.


*Reviser's note: For "this act," see note following RCW 79.24.060.
Effective date1985 c 57: See note following RCW 18.04.105.

Capitol grant revenue to capitol building construction account.

All revenues received from leases and sales of lands, timber and other products on the surface or beneath the surface of the lands granted to the state of Washington by the United States pursuant to an act of Congress approved February 22, 1889, for capitol building purposes, shall be paid into the "capitol building construction account." Available revenues in this account shall first be pledged to state capitol public and historic facilities as defined under RCW 79.24.710.
[ 2005 c 330 s 7; 1923 c 12 s 1; RRS s 7921-1. Formerly RCW 43.34.060.]


Parking facilities authorizedRental.

The state capitol committee may construct parking facilities for the state capitol adequate to provide parking space for automobiles, said parking facilities to be either of a single level, multiple level, or both, and to be either on one site or more than one site and located either on or in close proximity to the capitol grounds, though not necessarily contiguous thereto. The state capitol committee may select such lands as are necessary therefor and acquire them by purchase or condemnation. As an aid to such selection the committee may cause location, topographical, economic, traffic, and other surveys to be conducted, and for this purpose may utilize the services of existing state agencies, may employ personnel, or may contract for the services of any person, firm or corporation. In selecting the location and plans for the construction of the parking facilities the committee shall consider recommendations of the director of enterprise services.
Space in parking facilities may be rented to the officers and employees of the state on a monthly basis at a rental to be determined by the director of enterprise services. The state shall not sell gasoline, oil, or any other commodities or perform any services for any vehicles or equipment other than state equipment.

Number and location of facilities.

The state capitol committee may construct any two of the following three facilities: (1) A two story parking facility south of the transportation and public lands building in the existing parking area; (2) multiple level but not to exceed three story parking facility adjacent to the new office building; (3) multiple level but not to exceed three story parking facility adjacent to the new office building.

AppropriationsParking facilities, laboratories.

There is appropriated to the state capitol committee from the *capitol building construction fund for the fiscal biennium ending June 30, 1957, the sum of seven hundred thousand dollars for the purposes of RCW 79.24.300, 79.24.310 and 79.24.320. Of this sum five hundred thousand dollars is to be used for parking purposes as outlined above and the remaining two hundred thousand dollars of this sum are to be used to complete the fisheries and health laboratories in the new office building on the contingency that it is necessary for the fisheries and health departments to move to Olympia.


*Reviser's note: Capitol building construction fund abolished and moneys transferred to capitol building construction account: RCW 43.79.330 through 43.79.334.

Purchase of land for parking facilities authorized.

For use in the construction thereon of parking facilities in close proximity to the capitol grounds, the state capitol committee is authorized to purchase, at a price not in excess of one hundred thousand dollars, the following real estate situated in the city of Olympia, Thurston county, state of Washington, and more particularly described as: Lots two, three, six, and seven, block eight, P.D. Moore's addition to the town of Olympia, according to the plat thereof recorded in volume 1 of plats, page 32, records of said county.

Purchase of land for parking facilities authorizedConstruction of one-level facility.

After purchase of the said real estate the state capitol committee shall construct thereon one-level parking facilities suitable for as large a number of automobiles as may reasonably be accommodated thereon.


Sylvester ParkGrant authorized.

The city of Olympia may grant to the state of Washington its right, title and interest in that public square situated therein and bounded by Capitol Way, Legion Way, Washington Street and East Seventh Street, and commonly known as Sylvester Park, and such conveyance shall in all respects supersede the terms and effect of any prior conveyance or agreement concerning this property.

Sylvester ParkSubsurface parking facility.

The state capitol committee may accept such grant on behalf of the state. Upon receipt from the city of Olympia of the conveyance authorized by RCW 79.24.400, the state capitol committee may lease the premises thereby conveyed, to any person, firm, or corporation for the purpose of constructing, operating and maintaining a garage and parking facility underneath the surface of said property.
The lease shall be for a term of not to exceed twenty-five years and by its terms shall require the lessee to restore and maintain the condition of the surface of the property so as to be available and suitable for use as a public park. The lease shall further provide that all improvements to the property shall become the property of the state upon termination of the lease, and may provide such further terms as the capitol committee may deem to be advantageous.


Access to capitol grounds on described route authorized.

The state capitol committee may construct a suitable access to the capitol grounds by way of fourteenth and fifteenth streets in the city of Olympia, and for the purpose may acquire, by purchase or condemnation, such lands along the said streets and between Capitol Way and Cherry Street in the city of Olympia, and construct thereon such improvements as the state capitol committee may deem proper for the purposes of such access.


Property described.

The state capitol committee shall proceed as rapidly as their resources permit to acquire title to the following described property for development as state capitol grounds:
That area bounded as follows: Commencing at a point beginning at the southwest corner of Capitol Way and 15th Avenue and proceeding westerly to the present easterly boundary of the capitol grounds on the west; thence proceeding northerly along said easterly boundary of the capitol grounds; thence proceeding easterly along the boundary of the present capitol grounds to a point at the corner of Capitol Way and 14th Avenue; thence proceeding southerly to the point of beginning; also that area bounded by Capitol Way on the west, 11th Avenue on the north, Jefferson Street on the east, and 16th Avenue (Maple Park) on the south; also that area bounded by Jefferson Street on the west, 14th Avenue on the north, Cherry Street on the east and 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the south; also that area bounded by 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the north, the westerly boundary of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. right-of-way on the east, 16th Avenue on the south, and Jefferson Street on the west; also that area bounded by 15th Avenue on the north, the westerly boundary of the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. right-of-way on the east, and 14th Avenue (Interstate No. 5 access) on the south and west; all in the city of Olympia, county of Thurston, state of Washington, or any such portion or portions of the above described areas as may be required for present or future expansion of the facilities of the state capitol.

Area designated as the east capitol site.

The area described in RCW 79.24.500 shall be known as the east capitol site, and upon acquisition shall become part of the state capitol grounds.

Acquisition of property authorizedMeansOther state agencies to assist committee in executing chapter.

The state capitol committee may acquire such property by gift, exchange, purchase, option to purchase, condemnation, or any other means of acquisition not expressly prohibited by law. All other state agencies shall aid and assist the state capitol committee in carrying out the provisions of RCW 79.24.500 through 79.24.600.

Department of enterprise services to design and develop site and buildingsApproval of state capitol committee.

The department of enterprise services shall develop, amend and modify an overall plan for the design and establishment of state capitol buildings and grounds on the east capitol site in accordance with current and prospective requisites of a state capitol befitting the state of Washington. The overall plan, amendments and modifications thereto shall be subject to the approval of the state capitol committee.

State agencies may buy land and construct buildings thereonRequirements.

State agencies which are authorized by law to acquire land and construct buildings, whether from appropriated funds or from funds not subject to appropriation by the legislature, may buy land in the east capitol site and construct buildings thereon so long as the location, design and construction meet the requirements established by the department of enterprise services and approved by the state capitol committee.

State buildings to be constructed only on capitol groundsException.

No state agency shall undertake construction of buildings in Thurston county except upon the state capitol grounds: PROVIDED, That the state capitol committee may authorize exceptions upon a finding by the state capitol committee that appropriate locations on the capitol grounds or east capitol site are unavailable.

Department of enterprise services to rent, lease, or use properties.

The department of enterprise services shall have the power to rent, lease, or otherwise use any of the properties acquired in the east capitol site.

Use of proceeds from site.

All moneys received by the department of enterprise services from the management of the east capitol site, excepting (1) funds otherwise dedicated prior to April 28, 1967, (2) parking and rental charges and fines which are required to be deposited in other accounts, and (3) reimbursements of service and other utility charges made to the department of enterprise services, shall be deposited in the capitol purchase and development account of the state general fund.

Use of private real estate and rights in site declared public use.

The use of the private real estate, rights, and interests in the east capitol site is hereby declared to be a public use.

Severability1961 c 167.

If any provision of RCW 79.24.500 through 79.24.590, or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of RCW 79.24.500 through 79.24.590, or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected.

1969 ACT

Committee duties enumerated.

The state capitol committee shall provide for the construction, remodeling, and furnishing of capitol office buildings, parking facilities, governor's mansion, and such other buildings and facilities as are determined by the state capitol committee to be necessary to provide space for the legislature by way of offices, committee rooms, hearing rooms, and work rooms, and to provide executive office space and housing for the governor, and to provide executive office space for other elective officials and such other state agencies as may be necessary, and to pay for all costs and expenses in issuing the bonds and to pay interest thereon during construction of the facilities for which the bonds were issued and six months thereafter.



The legislature finds that the historic facilities of the Washington state capitol are the most important public facilities in the state. They are a source of beauty and pride, a resource for celebrating our heritage and democratic ideals, and an exceptional educational resource. The public and historic facilities of the state capitol campus should be managed and maintained to the highest standards of excellence, model the best of historic preservation practice, and maximize opportunities for public access and enjoyment. The purpose of chapter 330, Laws of 2005 is to provide authority and direction for the care and stewardship of the public and historic facilities of the state capitol, to facilitate public access, use, and enjoyment of these assets, and to carefully preserve them for the benefit of future generations.

Properties identified as "state capitol public and historic facilities."

For the purposes of RCW 79.24.720, 79.24.730, 43.01.090, 43.19.500, and 79.24.087, "state capitol public and historic facilities" includes:
(1) The east, west and north capitol campus grounds, Sylvester park, Heritage park, Marathon park, Centennial park, the Deschutes river basin commonly known as Capitol lake, the interpretive center, Deschutes parkway, and the landscape, memorials, artwork, fountains, streets, sidewalks, lighting, and infrastructure in each of these areas not including state-owned aquatic lands in these areas managed by the department of natural resources under RCW 79.105.010;
(2) The public spaces and the historic interior and exterior elements of the following buildings: The visitor center, the Governor's mansion, the legislative building, the John L. O'Brien building, the Cherberg building, the Newhouse building, the Pritchard building, the temple of justice, the insurance building, the Dolliver building, capitol court, and the old capitol buildings, including the historic state-owned furnishings and works of art commissioned for or original to these buildings; and
(3) Other facilities or elements of facilities as determined by the state capitol committee, in consultation with the department of enterprise services.

Department of enterprise services' responsibilities.

The department of enterprise services is responsible for the stewardship, preservation, operation, and maintenance of the public and historic facilities of the state capitol, subject to the policy direction of the state capitol committee and the guidance of the capitol campus design advisory committee. In administering this responsibility, the department shall:
(1) Apply the United States secretary of the interior's standards for the treatment of historic properties;
(2) Seek to balance the functional requirements of state government operations with public access and the long-term preservation needs of the properties themselves; and
(3) Consult with the capitol furnishings preservation committee, the state historic preservation officer, the state arts commission, and the state facilities accessibility advisory committee in fulfilling the responsibilities provided for in this section.


Funding/grants for stewardship of state capitol public and historic facilities.

(1) To provide for responsible stewardship of the state capitol public and historic facilities, funding for:
(a) Maintenance and operational needs shall be authorized in the state's omnibus appropriations act and funded by the enterprise services account as provided under RCW 43.19.500;
(b) Development and preservation needs shall be authorized in the state's capital budget. To the extent revenue is available, the capitol building construction account under RCW 79.24.087 shall fund capital budget needs. If capitol building construction account funds are not available, the state building construction account funds may be authorized for this purpose.
(2) The department of enterprise services may seek grants, gifts, or donations to support the stewardship of state capitol public and historic facilities. The department may: (a) Purchase historic state capitol furnishings or artifacts; or (b) sell historic state capitol furnishings and artifacts that have been designated as state surplus by the capitol furnishings preservation committee under RCW 27.48.040(6). Funds generated from grants, gifts, donations, or sales for omnibus appropriations act needs shall be deposited into the enterprise services account. Funds generated for capital budget needs shall be deposited into the capitol building construction account.