Chapter 36.13 RCW



HTMLPDF 36.13.020County census authorized.
HTMLPDF 36.13.030County census authorizedPersonnelHow conducted.
HTMLPDF 36.13.040County census authorizedInformation to be given enumerators.
HTMLPDF 36.13.050County census authorizedClassification to be based on census.
HTMLPDF 36.13.070County census authorizedPenalty.
HTMLPDF 36.13.100Determination of population.


Combined city and county municipal corporations: State Constitution Art. 11 s 16 (Amendment 58).

County census authorized.

The legislative authority of any county may order a county census to be taken of all the inhabitants of the county. The expense of such census enumeration shall be paid from the county current expense fund.
[ 1991 c 363 s 44; 1977 ex.s. c 110 s 6; 1963 c 4 s 36.13.020. Prior: (i) 1923 c 177 s 1; RRS s 4200-6. (ii) 1923 c 177 s 5; RRS s 4200-10.]


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.

County census authorizedPersonnelHow conducted.

For the purpose of making a county census, the legislative authority of any county may employ one or more suitable persons. The census shall be conducted in accordance with standard census definitions and procedures as specified by the office of financial management.


Population determinations, office of financial management: Chapter 43.62 RCW.

County census authorizedInformation to be given enumerators.

All persons resident in the county, having knowledge of the facts, shall give the information required herein to any duly authorized census enumerator when requested by him or her.

County census authorizedClassification to be based on census.

The board of county commissioners shall determine the population of the county based upon such special county census. Based upon such census, it shall enter an order declaring and fixing the population of the county in accordance with such determination, and from and after the entry of the order the county shall be considered and classified for all purposes according to the population thus determined.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.13.050. Prior: 1923 c 177 s 3; RRS s 4200-8.]

County census authorizedPenalty.

Any person violating any of the provisions of RCW 36.13.020, 36.13.030, 36.13.040, and 36.13.050, or any officer or enumerator making, assisting, or permitting any duplication of names or making, permitting, or assisting in the enumeration of any fictitious names or persons in taking the census, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
[ 1963 c 4 s 36.13.070. Prior: 1923 c 177 s 6; RRS s 4200-11.]

Determination of population.

Whenever any provision of law refers to the population of a county for purposes of distributing funds or for any other purpose, the population of the respective counties shall be determined by the most recent census, population estimate by the office of financial management, or special county census as certified by the office of financial management.
[ 1991 c 363 s 45; 1963 c 4 s 36.13.100. Prior: 1949 c 92 s 1; Rem. Supp. 1949 s 4200-6a.]


PurposeCaptions not law1991 c 363: See notes following RCW 2.32.180.
Population determinations, office of financial management: Chapter 43.62 RCW.