Permanent Rules
Filed in Register Issue 13-08

AgencyEffective Dateand TimeFiling #
Administrative Hearings, Office of4/28/201313-08-047
Ecology, Department of4/25/201313-08-016
Financial Management, Office of5/3/201313-08-078
Health, Department of5/2/201313-08-068
Labor and Industries, Department of1/1/201413-08-063
Liquor Control Board4/20/201313-08-002
Pilotage Commissioners, Board of4/27/201313-08-025
Puget Sound Clean Air Agency5/1/201313-08-059
Retirement Systems, Department of5/1/201313-08-055
Revenue, Department of4/27/201313-08-028
Social and Health Services, Department of4/25/201313-08-017
Washington State University4/27/201313-08-033
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