Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 02-01-066.
Title of Rule: WAC 308-13-005 Definitions, 308-13-020 Qualifications for admittance to the examination, 308-13-024 Application for examination, 308-13-050 Registration by reciprocity, and 308-13-100 Reinstatement of delinquent, suspended, or revoked licenses.
Purpose: Clarify and simplify the language and requirements for the examination process.
Add a new section, WAC 308-13-036 Supplemental application after successful completion of examination, that allows an applicant to take the examination after completion of the academic requirement.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 18.96.060 Board rules -- Quorum -- Hearings -- Subpoena power.
Statute Being Implemented: RCW 18.96.080 Applications -- Contents -- Fees.
Summary: This amendment creates a new review of the laws. It also allows for a better understanding of the requirements for the examination process and allows the candidates to start the examination process three years earlier than in the past.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: Provide clarity and allow a candidate to start the examination process after completing their academic requirement. This would allow the candidate to take exams while they are completing their internship with the possibility of becoming licensed much earlier than in the past.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting, Implementation and Enforcement: Margaret Epting, 405 Black Lake Boulevard, Olympia, WA, (360) 664-1386.
Name of Proponent: Board of Registration for Landscape Architects, Department of Licensing, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: The adoption of this rule would allow for the creation of a new review of the laws, clarification of the existing rules and allow examination candidates to start the examination process three years earlier than in the past.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: Adds a new section and clarifies and simplifies the language and requirements of the existing rules.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. These rules are administrative procedures and there is no cost for compliance.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. This section of regulations is not a "significant legislative rule" as defined by RCW 34.05 [34.05.328] (5)@[(c)](iii) and is exempt under the provisions of RCW 34.05.38 [34.05.328] (5)(b)(vi).
Hearing Location: Department of Licensing, Business and Professions Division, 405 Black Lake Boulevard, Olympia, WA 98502, on March 12, 2002, at 9:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Joan Robinson by March 6, 2002, TDD (360) 586-2788, or (360) 664-1387).
Submit Written Comments to: Margaret Epting, P.O. Box 9045, Olympia, WA 98507, fax (360) 664-2551, by March 6, 2002.
Date of Intended Adoption: March 12, 2002.
February 6, 2002
Margaret Epting
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 96-10-013, filed 4/19/96,
effective 5/20/96)
WAC 308-13-005
(1) "Registered college" as
used in RCW 18.96.070 means a college or school recognized by the
Landscape Architectural Accreditation Board (LAAB) as having
accredited programs in landscape architecture.
(2) "Entire examination" as referred to in RCW 18.96.090 means the written and graphic examination approved by the board.
(3) The word "principal" as used in this chapter means a member of a firm offering landscape architectural services to the public who is a landscape architect, a shareholder and director of landscape architecture if the practice is through a corporation, a partner if the practice is through a partnership or the owner if the practice is through a sole proprietorship.
(4) "L.A.R.E." means the Landscape Architect Registration Examination for landscape architects.
(5) "CLARB" means the National Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards, of which the Washington board is a member.
(6) "Academic requirement" means graduation from a college or school approved by the board as offering a curriculum in landscape architecture.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 96-10-013, § 308-13-005, filed 4/19/96, effective 5/20/96; 85-04-029 (Order PL 511), § 308-13-005, filed 1/31/85.]
(a) With a passing grade, 32 semester credit hours or 45 quarter credit hours is considered to be one year. Any fraction, one-half year or greater, will be counted one-half year, and less than one-half year will not be counted.
(b) A degree in landscape architecture or credits from an accredited college will be weighted at one hundred percent with a four year maximum credit for academic training.
(c) Credits in landscape architecture from a college not accredited may be weighted up to seventy-five percent with a three year maximum credit for academic training.
(d) Credits in architecture or civil engineering will be weighted at fifty percent with a two year maximum credit for academic training.
(a) Practical training experience, work in landscape architecture and related work experience, will be measured in months.
(b) No training prior to graduation from high school will be accepted.
(c) Full-time practical work experience must be at least thirty-five hours per week for a minimum of ten consecutive weeks; and part-time practical work experience must be at least twenty hours per week for six or more consecutive months.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 93-16-009, § 308-13-020, filed 7/22/93, effective 8/22/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060 and 18.96.070. 88-05-025 (Order PM 707), § 308-13-020, filed 2/12/88. Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 85-04-029 (Order PL 511), § 308-13-020, filed 1/31/85; Order PL 246, § 308-13-020, filed 4/26/76; Order 2472, § 308-13-020, filed 12/16/69.]
(a) Three references from landscape architects having personal knowledge of the applicant's landscape architectural experience;
(b) Transcript of academic experience showing courses taken and degree received with registrar's seal/stamp/signature. Photocopies of transcripts are not acceptable;
(c) A summary of the applicant's work experience; and
(d) Required fees.
Applications for admission to an examination, if scheduled, must be submitted or postmarked not later than the following dates. If the cut-off date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the postmark deadline will be the following Monday.
Examination Months | Cut-off Dates |
June | April 1 |
December | October 1 |
(3) ((A completed application includes:
(a) A completed application form LA 656-3;
(b) Three references from landscape architects having
personal knowledge of the applicant's landscape architectural
(c) Transcript of academic experience showing courses taken
and degree received with registrar's seal/stamp/signature. Photocopies of transcripts are not acceptable;
(d) Verification of work experience;
(e) Appropriate fees.
(4))) Examination admission letters will be mailed to
eligible applicants approximately six weeks prior to the
examination along with detailed information as to times, place,
and scheduled examination sections.
(((5))) (4) Application fees for examination and
reexamination are administrative charges and will not be
refunded. The examination fees (cost of each test) may be
refunded if notice of cancellation is received by the department
prior to ordering of examinations from the national testing
(((6))) (5) Following successful completion of the
registration examination, candidates will ((submit a summary of
chapter 18.96 RCW and chapter 308-13 WAC)) satisfactorily
complete the review of laws related to the practice of landscape
architecture as determined by the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 96-10-013, § 308-13-024, filed 4/19/96, effective 5/20/96; 93-16-009, § 308-13-024, filed 7/22/93, effective 8/22/93.]
(a) Having at least the equivalent experience and responsible charge of landscape architectural work as required of candidates for examination;
(b) Having satisfactorily completed the national examination required of applicants for registration in Washington;
(c) Applicant's proof of compliance, that shall consist of:
(i) Education: Transcript of college grades indicating degrees earned. Transcripts are not required if work experience is at least seven years.
(ii) Employment: Statements of previous employers covering full time employment for a minimum of three years when the applicant has an accredited degree in landscape architecture or seven years of experience working with landscape architects or a combination of seven years of education and experience, approved by the board.
(iii) Certification: State of registration ((that)) where
applicant passed the national examination, listing subjects taken
and scores received.
(2) Certification: National certification by the council of landscape architectural registration boards shall be recognized by this board as satisfactory evidence for registration by reciprocity, provided the applicant has passed the national examination and such certification is current and valid at the time of approval by the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 96-10-013, § 308-13-050, filed 4/19/96, effective 5/20/96; 85-04-029 (Order PL 511), § 308-13-050, filed 1/31/85; Order PL 206, § 308-13-050, filed 11/5/75; Order PL 169, § 308-13-050, filed 6/19/74; Order PL-135, § 308-13-050, filed 11/13/72; Order 2472, § 308-13-050, filed 12/16/69.]
(b) Reinstatement of a license, delinquent five or more
years, requires a letter of application to the board requesting
reinstatement, payment of all delinquent renewal fees plus the
current penalty fee, a resume of landscape architectural
activities and projects since the date of expiration, a detailed
explanation of the circumstances surrounding the failure to
maintain current licensure and a ((summary analysis of the law
and rules governing landscape architects in sufficient detail to
demonstrate a thorough understanding of the law and rules))
satisfactory completion of the review of laws related to the
practice of landscape architecture as determined by the board. Additional requirements may be established by the board.
(2) Requests for reinstatement of a suspended or revoked
license shall be submitted in a letter of application to the
board and shall include a resume of professional activities and
projects since suspension or revocation, a ((summary analysis of
the law and rules governing landscape architects in sufficient
detail to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the law and
rules)) satisfactory completion of the review of laws related to
the practice of landscape architecture as determined by the board
and such other documents and materials as directed by the board.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.96.060. 93-16-009, § 308-13-100, filed 7/22/93, effective 8/22/93; 85-04-029 (Order PL 511), § 308-13-100, filed 1/31/85; Order 2472, § 308-13-100, filed 12/16/69.]