Original Notice.
Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 01-04-027.
Title of Rule:
WAC# | WAC Title | Statutory Authority (RCWs) |
415-02-130 | Members receive retirement and account information annually. | 41.50.065 |
415-10-010 | Can I purchase service credit after the statutory deadline? | 41.50.165 |
415-10-030 | Calculation of cost to purchase service credit in LEOFF Plan 1, LEOFF Plan 2, PERS Plan 2, TRS Plan 2, or SERS Plan 2. | 41-50-165 |
415-10-080 | If I purchase service credit, can I receive a refund of my payments? | 41.26.540, 41.32.498, 41.40.730, 41.40.830, 41.50.160, 41.50.165, 41.50.175 |
415-10-100 | Can I purchase TRS Plan 2 credit in TRS Plan 3? | 41.50.165, 41.50.175 |
415-10-110 | Can I purchase SERS Plan 2 credit in SERS Plan 3? | Repeal |
415-108-315 | Designation of beneficiaries--Death benefit if a members dies before retirement. | 41.40.270, 41.40.700, 41.40.835 |
415-108-324 | Married member's benefit selection -- Spousal consent required. | 41.40.188(2), 41.40.660(2), 41.40.845(2) |
415-108-340 | Actuarial tables, schedules, and factors | Chapter 41.45 RCW |
415-108-441 | Purpose and scope of compensation earnable rules. | 41.40.010(8), chapter 41.40 RCW |
415-108-443 | Reportable compensation table. | 41.40.010(8), chapter 41.40 RCW |
415-108-456 | Leave payments earned over time. | 41.40.010(8) |
415-108-458 | Severance pay earned over time. | 41.40.010(8) |
415-108-464 | Legislative leave. | 41.40.010(8) |
415-108-465 | Paid leave not earned over time. | 41.40.710 |
415-111-110 | Member and employer responsibility. | 41.50.112, 41.50.145, chapter 41.34 RCW |
Purpose: These rules are necessary to implement the Public Employees' Retirement System Plan 3. DRS is also converting as much language as possible to "Plain English."
Other Identifying Information: Unless specifically noted, substantive changes are required by ESSB 6530 (chapter 247, Laws of 2000). Sections of the Internal Revenue Code, 26 USC, may also apply. NOTE: Additional PERS Plan 3 changes will be made in separate filings.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 41.50.050(5).
Statute Being Implemented: See Title of Rule above.
Reasons Supporting Proposal: These rules are necessary to implement the Public Employees' Retirement System Plan 3.
Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting: Merry A. Kogut, P.O. Box 48380, Olympia, WA 98504-8380, (360) 664-7291; Implementation and Enforcement: Jack Bryant, P.O. Box 48380, Olympia, WA 98504-8380, (360) 664-7193.
Name of Proponent: Department of Retirement Systems, governmental.
Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.
Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: Each rule is being amended to implement ESSB 6530 (2000). At the same time, the department is attempting to improve the clarity of each rule.
Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See Title of Rule above.
No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. These amendments have no effect on businesses.
RCW 34.05.328 does not apply to this rule adoption. The Department of Retirement Systems is not one of the named departments in RCW 34.05.328.
Hearing Location: Department of Retirement Systems, 6835 Capitol Boulevard, Boardroom, Tumwater, WA, on December 4, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.; and at the Department of Social and Health Services, Spokane Valley CSO, Lunchroom, 8517 East Trent, Spokane, WA, on December 6, 2001, at 10:00 a.m.
Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact the rules coordinator by seven days before the hearing, if possible, phone (360) 664-7291, TTY (360) 586-5450, e-mail
Submit Written Comments to: Identify WAC Numbers, Merry A. Kogut, Rules Coordinator, Department of Retirement Systems, P.O. Box 48380, Olympia, WA 98504-8380, e-mail, fax (360) 753-3166, by 5:00 p.m. on December 6, 2001.
Date of Intended Adoption: No sooner than December 7, 2001.
September 26, 2001
Merry A. Kogut
Rules Coordinator
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-10-016, filed 4/21/00,
effective 5/22/00)
WAC 415-02-130
((Members)) Will I receive retirement and
account information ((annually.))?
(1) DRS provides
((information in an annual)) statements to all members who are
currently employed and are being reported, and to inactive
members who provide a mailing address.
(2) If you are a member of Plan 1 or 2, you will receive annual statements. The statements include, but are not limited to, the following information:
(a) Service credit;
(b) Contributions; ((and))
(c) Interest; and
(d) Various retirement information.
(((2) The annual statement is based on information provided
to the department by the employer as of a certain date. At the
time the department compiles the annual statement, it may not
have all the information necessary to make a final computation of
any data reported. Information in the annual statement is
subject to correction.)) (3) For a member of Plan 3, you will
receive two types of statements.
(a) The defined benefit portion of your plan will provide an annual statement of your accumulated service credit and various retirement information.
(b) The defined contribution portion of your plan will provide annual and quarterly statements. The statements include, but are not limited to, contributions and account activity.
(4) Statements are based on information provided to the department by your employer and are subject to correction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 00-10-016, 415-02-130, filed 4/21/00, effective 5/22/00.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-22-049, filed 10/27/00,
effective 11/27/00)
WAC 415-10-010
Can I purchase service credit after the
statutory deadline?
RCW 41.50.165 generally allows ((the
member)) you to purchase service credit that ((he or she)) you
failed to establish or reestablish within the statutory deadline.
(1) You must pay the actuarial value of the increase to your
retirement ((allowance)) benefit. The actuarial value of the
increase to ((the member's)) your benefit means the cost to the
retirement system trust fund of:
(a) Including the additional service credit in ((the
member's)) your retirement ((allowance)) benefit calculation; and
(b) ((Commencing the member's)) Beginning your retirement
((allowance)) benefit at an earlier age, if applicable. This
second factor ((will not apply if the member's retirement system
is LEOFF 1, LEOFF 2, PERS 2, or TRS 2, because length of service
is not a factor in determining eligibility to retire in those
systems)) applies only to PERS Plan 1 and TRS Plan 1.
(2) The valuation is based upon economic assumptions. The
cost to the retirement system trust fund for the increased value
to ((the member's)) your benefit is calculated based upon
interest rate assumptions adopted by the pension funding council
and actuarial factors adopted or approved by the state actuary.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.50 RCW. 00-22-049, 415-10-010, filed 10/27/00, effective 11/27/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.50.165. 97-01-014, 415-10-010, filed 12/6/96, effective 1/6/97.]
= Cost to purchase service credit
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.50 RCW. 00-22-049, 415-10-030, filed 10/27/00, effective 11/27/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.50.165. 97-01-014, 415-10-030, filed 12/6/96, effective 1/6/97.]
(2) ((Additional)) Restrictions for TRS Plan 1 members.
((If you are a TRS 1 member)) At the time of retirement, RCW 41.32.498(2) prohibits you from withdrawing payments made to
purchase service credit under RCW 41.50.165(2) ((at the time of
(3) ((Additional)) Restrictions for LEOFF Plan 2 members. ((If you are a LEOFF Plan 2 member,)) Payments made to purchase
service credit under RCW 41.50.165(2) and interest on those
payments ((may)) will be refunded at one hundred percent. ((However, such)) Those payments ((may)) will not be included
when calculating the one hundred fifty percent refund of
contributions under RCW 41.26.540 (1)(b).
(4) Restrictions for Plan 3 members of TRS, SERS and PERS. When you apply for service credit under RCW 41.50.165(2), one-half of the amount due will go into your defined benefit plan and one-half will go into your defined contribution plan. As a member of any Plan 3 system, you may apply for a refund of your contributions from the defined contribution portion of your account upon separation from employment. Your refund will be based on the market value of your contributions, including earnings and losses, at the time you withdraw. The defined benefit portion will be paid when you are eligible to receive benefits.
Example 1 (Market has gains):
Joe restores 5 years of service credit at a total cost of
$10,000.00. One-half, or $5,000.00, goes into Joe's defined
contribution plan member account, and the other $5,000.00 goes
into the pension trust fund for his defined benefit plan. Joe
separates two years later and applies for the withdrawal of his
defined contribution account. While Joe was in service the
market experienced gains. The value of Joe's defined
contribution account is now $6,000.00. Joe receives $6,000.00
(minus applicable taxes and penalties). The defined benefit
portion is not refundable but Joe will receive a one percent
defined benefit allowance when he is eligible.
Example 2 (Market has losses):
Joe restores 5 years of service credit at a total cost of
$10,000.00. One-half, or $5,000.00, goes into Joe's defined
contribution plan member account, and the other $5,000.00 goes
into the pension trust fund for his defined benefit plan. Joe
separates two years later and applies for the withdrawal of his
defined contribution account. While Joe was in service the
market suffered a loss. The value of Joe's defined contribution
account is now $4,000.00. Joe receives $4,000.00 (minus
applicable taxes and penalties). The defined benefit portion is
not refundable but Joe will receive a one percent defined benefit
allowance when he is eligible.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.50 RCW. 00-22-049, 415-10-080, filed 10/27/00, effective 11/27/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.50.165. 97-01-014, 415-10-080, filed 12/6/96, effective 1/6/97.]
(a) Fifty percent of the money you paid to purchase the
service credit will be credited to the ((TRS)) Plan 3 defined
contribution account ((established under chapter 41.34 RCW)).
(b) The other fifty percent will be credited to the ((TRS))
Plan 3 defined benefit ((portion)) plan established under RCW 41.32.831 for TRS Plan 3, RCW 41.35.600 for SERS Plan 3, and RCW 41.40.780 for PERS Plan 3.
(2) Purchasing ((TRS)) Plan 2 service credit after
transferring to ((TRS)) Plan 3. You may purchase service credit
initially available under ((TRS)) Plan 2 after you transfer to
((TRS)) Plan 3. The service will be credited in ((TRS)) Plan 3. If you purchase Plan 2 service credit under this chapter, fifty
percent of the money you pay to purchase the service credit will
be credited to ((the TRS)) your Plan 3 defined contribution
account ((established under chapter 41.34 RCW)). The other fifty
percent will be credited to the ((TRS)) Plan 3 defined benefit
portion established under RCW 41.32.831 for TRS Plan 3, RCW 42.35.600 for SERS Plan 3 and RCW 41.40.780 for PERS Plan 3.
(3) Not applicable for service earned after transferring to
((TRS)) Plan 3 ((cannot be purchased)). Service ((earned)) you
earn as a Plan 3 member is automatically recredited if ((the
member)) you reenter((s)) membership and earn((s)) at least
twelve service credit months. Plan 3 does not have any deadlines
on establishing optional service. Because there are no deadlines
for establishing or reestablishing service credit there is no
provision for purchasing service credit earned in Plan 3 under
RCW 41.50.165.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 41.50 RCW. 00-22-049, 415-10-100, filed 10/27/00, effective 11/27/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050 and 41.50.165. 97-01-014, 415-10-100, filed 12/6/96, effective 1/6/97.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 415-10-110 | Can I purchase SERS Plan 2 credit in SERS Plan 3? |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 00-10-015, filed 4/21/00,
effective 5/22/00)
WAC 415-108-315
((Designation of beneficiaries -- Death
benefit if a member dies before retirement.)) Can I specify who
can receive my benefits if I die in service?
(1) ((As a
member,)) You have the right to designate a beneficiary or
beneficiaries to receive a benefit ((in the event of your death))
if you die while you are an active member. You may change your
beneficiary designation at any time by filing a change of
beneficiary form with the department.
(2) As a member you may name:
(a) An organization or person, including your unborn or later adopted children. Unborn or later adopted children will not be included unless you specifically designate them as beneficiaries on the form. You must state the date of birth for any living person you name as a beneficiary;
(b) Your estate; and/or
(c) A trust ((in existence at the time of death)). Before
making a distribution to any trust the department must receive:
(i) A copy of the trust document;
(ii) The name, address, and telephone number of the current trustee; and
(iii) The tax identification number((;
(d) A trust to be established under your last will)).
(3) You may name contingent beneficiaries in addition to primary beneficiaries.
(4) If you are a member of Plan 3, you may name the same or different beneficiaries for your defined benefit and defined contribution accounts.
John, a member, completes a beneficiary designation form.
In the place on the form reserved for persons, he names his
daughter Ann. He checks the box to indicate that Ann is a
primary beneficiary.
In the place on the form reserved for trust/organizational
beneficiaries, he lists the "Barbara Trust." His daughter Barbara
is the trust beneficiary. He checks the box to indicate that the
trust is a primary beneficiary.
Subject to applicable statute, at John's death, the
department will consider both the Barbara Trust and daughter Ann
as primary beneficiaries. The department will require the name
of the trustee, the tax identification number, a copy of the
trust and other information specified in this rule before
distribution to the trust.
John, a member, completes a beneficiary designation form.
In the place on the form reserved for persons, he names his
daughter Ann. He checks the box to indicate that Ann is a
primary beneficiary.
In the place on the form reserved for trust/organizational
beneficiaries, he lists his daughter Barbara personally ((())
i.e., no trust name is provided(())). ((He checks the box
labeled "primary beneficiary." John misunderstands the form and
rather than provide the names of the trustee or trust
administrator, John writes the word "both" in the blank
provided.)) John checks the corresponding box to indicate a
primary beneficiary designation. At John's death, the department
learns that John has created no trusts.
((At John's death, the department learns that John has
created no trusts. Subject to existing statute, if the
department receives no notice of competing claims to John's death
benefit, the department will distribute the death benefit to
Ann.)) Because John has created no trust, the designation in the
trust/organizational location on the form is void. Subject to
existing law, the department will issue the death benefit to Ann
unless it receives a notice of a competing claim. If the
department receives notice of competing claims, a court
resolution may be required.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 00-10-015, 415-108-315, filed 4/21/00, effective 5/22/00.]
(2) Spousal consent is not needed to enforce a marital dissolution order requiring the department to pay an ex-spouse under RCW 41.50.790.
(3) "Spousal consent" means that ((the married member's))
your spouse consents to the retirement option you selected ((by
the member)). ((The)) Your spouse's notarized signature on a
completed retirement application constitutes spousal consent.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 99-14-008, 415-108-324, filed 6/24/99, effective 7/25/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 2.10.146, 41.26.460, 41.32.530, 41.50.050, 41.32.785, 41.40.188 and 41.40.660. 96-01-047, 415-108-324, filed 12/14/95, effective 1/14/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.05.050 and 1990 c 249. 91-03-015, 415-108-324, filed 1/7/91, effective 2/7/91.]
(1) These tables, schedules and factors may be amended from time to time, based upon subsequent actuarial investigation.
(2) The department will use the tables, schedules and factors in effect upon the member's retirement to calculate the member's retirement allowance. Accordingly, these values apply to the calculation of retirement allowances for those who retire on or after January 1, 1996 (until subsequent amendment).
(3) The department will use these tables, schedules and factors to calculate postretirement adjustments that become effective on or after January 1, 1996, even though the member's retirement allowance was initially calculated using a prior set of tables, schedules and factors.
Early Retirement Factors by Year and Month |
0 | 0 | 1.0000 |
1 | .9915 | |
2 | .9830 | |
3 | .9746 | |
4 | .9661 | |
5 | .9576 | |
6 | .9491 | |
7 | .9407 | |
8 | .9322 | |
9 | .9237 | |
10 | .9152 | |
11 | .9068 | |
1 | 0 | .8983 |
1 | .8908 | |
2 | .8834 | |
3 | .8759 | |
4 | .8685 | |
5 | .8610 | |
6 | .8536 | |
7 | .8461 | |
8 | .8387 | |
9 | .8312 | |
10 | .8238 | |
11 | .8163 | |
2 | 0 | .8089 |
1 | .8023 | |
2 | .7957 | |
3 | .7892 | |
4 | .7826 | |
5 | .7760 | |
6 | .7694 | |
7 | .7629 | |
8 | .7563 | |
9 | .7497 | |
10 | .7431 | |
11 | .7366 | |
3 | 0 | .7300 |
1 | .7242 | |
2 | .7183 | |
3 | .7125 | |
4 | .7067 | |
5 | .7009 | |
6 | .6951 | |
7 | .6892 | |
8 | .6834 | |
9 | .6776 | |
10 | .6718 | |
11 | .6660 | |
4 | 0 | .6601 |
1 | .6550 | |
2 | .6498 | |
3 | .6446 | |
4 | .6395 | |
5 | .6343 | |
6 | .6291 | |
7 | .6240 | |
8 | .6188 | |
9 | .6136 | |
10 | .6085 | |
11 | .6033 | |
5 | 0 | .5981 |
1 | .5935 | |
2 | .5889 | |
3 | .5843 | |
4 | .5797 | |
5 | .5751 | |
6 | .5705 | |
7 | .5659 | |
8 | .5613 | |
9 | .5567 | |
10 | .5521 | |
11 | .5475 | |
6 | 0 | .5429 |
1 | .5388 | |
2 | .5347 | |
3 | .5306 | |
4 | .5265 | |
5 | .5224 | |
6 | .5182 | |
7 | .5141 | |
8 | .5100 | |
9 | .5059 | |
10 | .5018 | |
11 | .4977 | |
7 | 0 | .4936 |
1 | .4899 | |
2 | .4862 | |
3 | .4825 | |
4 | .4789 | |
5 | .4752 | |
6 | .4715 | |
7 | .4678 | |
8 | .4642 | |
9 | .4605 | |
10 | .4568 | |
11 | .4531 | |
8 | 0 | .4494 |
1 | .4461 | |
2 | .4428 | |
3 | .4395 | |
4 | .4362 | |
5 | .4329 | |
6 | .4296 | |
7 | .4263 | |
8 | .4230 | |
9 | .4197 | |
10 | .4164 | |
11 | .4131 | |
9 | 0 | .4098 |
1 | .4068 | |
2 | .4039 | |
3 | .4009 | |
4 | .3979 | |
5 | .3950 | |
6 | .3920 | |
7 | .3890 | |
8 | .3860 | |
9 | .3831 | |
10 | .3801 | |
11 | .3771 | |
10 | 0 | .3742 |
1 | .3715 | |
2 | .3688 | |
3 | .3661 | |
4 | .3635 | |
5 | .3608 | |
6 | .3581 | |
7 | .3554 | |
8 | .3528 | |
9 | .3501 | |
10 | .3474 | |
11 | .3447 | |
11 | 0 | .3420 |
1 | .3396 | |
2 | .3372 | |
3 | .3348 | |
4 | .3324 | |
5 | .3300 | |
6 | .3275 | |
7 | .3251 | |
8 | .3227 | |
9 | .3203 | |
10 | .3179 | |
11 | .3154 | |
12 | 0 | .3130 |
1 | .3108 | |
2 | .3087 | |
3 | .3065 | |
4 | .3043 | |
5 | .3021 | |
6 | .2999 | |
7 | .2977 | |
8 | .2955 | |
9 | .2933 | |
10 | .2912 | |
11 | .2890 | |
13 | 0 | .2868 |
1 | .2848 | |
2 | .2828 | |
3 | .2808 | |
4 | .2789 | |
5 | .2769 | |
6 | .2749 | |
7 | .2729 | |
8 | .2709 | |
9 | .2689 | |
10 | .2670 | |
11 | .2650 | |
14 | 0 | .2630 |
1 | .2612 | |
2 | .2594 | |
3 | .2576 | |
4 | .2558 | |
5 | .2540 | |
6 | .2522 | |
7 | .2504 | |
8 | .2486 | |
9 | .2468 | |
10 | .2450 | |
11 | .2432 | |
15 | 0 | .2414 |
1 | .2398 | |
2 | .2381 | |
3 | .2365 | |
4 | .2348 | |
5 | .2332 | |
6 | .2316 | |
7 | .2299 | |
8 | .2283 | |
9 | .2267 | |
10 | .2250 | |
11 | .2234 | |
16 | 0 | .2218 |
1 | .2203 | |
2 | .2188 | |
3 | .2173 | |
4 | .2158 | |
5 | .2143 | |
6 | .2128 | |
7 | .2113 | |
8 | .2098 | |
9 | .2084 | |
10 | .2069 | |
11 | .2054 | |
17 | 0 | .2039 |
1 | .2025 | |
2 | .2012 | |
3 | .1998 | |
4 | .1985 | |
5 | .1971 | |
6 | .1957 | |
7 | .1944 | |
8 | .1930 | |
9 | .1917 | |
10 | .1903 | |
11 | .1890 | |
18 | 0 | .1876 |
1 | .1864 | |
2 | .1851 | |
3 | .1839 | |
4 | .1826 | |
5 | .1814 | |
6 | .1802 | |
7 | .1789 | |
8 | .1777 | |
9 | .1764 | |
10 | .1752 | |
11 | .1740 | |
19 | 0 | .1727 |
1 | .1716 | |
2 | .1705 | |
3 | .1693 | |
4 | .1682 | |
5 | .1671 | |
6 | .1659 | |
7 | .1648 | |
8 | .1637 | |
9 | .1625 | |
10 | .1614 | |
11 | .1603 | |
20 | 0 | .1591 |
1 | .1581 | |
2 | .1571 | |
3 | .1560 | |
4 | .1550 | |
5 | .1540 | |
6 | .1529 | |
7 | .1519 | |
8 | .1509 | |
9 | .1498 | |
10 | .1488 | |
11 | .1478 | |
21 | 0 | .1467 |
1 | .1458 | |
2 | .1448 | |
3 | .1439 | |
4 | .1429 | |
5 | .1420 | |
6 | .1410 | |
7 | .1401 | |
8 | .1391 | |
9 | .1382 | |
10 | .1372 | |
11 | .1363 | |
22 | 0 | .1353 |
1 | .1345 | |
2 | .1336 | |
3 | .1327 | |
4 | .1319 | |
5 | .1310 | |
6 | .1301 | |
7 | .1293 | |
8 | .1284 | |
9 | .1275 | |
10 | .1267 | |
11 | .1258 | |
23 | 0 | .1249 |
1 | .1241 | |
2 | .1233 | |
3 | .1225 | |
4 | .1217 | |
5 | .1209 | |
6 | .1201 | |
7 | .1193 | |
8 | .1185 | |
9 | .1177 | |
10 | .1169 | |
11 | .1161 | |
24 | 0 | .1153 |
1 | .1146 | |
2 | .1139 | |
3 | .1132 | |
4 | .1124 | |
5 | .1117 | |
6 | .1110 | |
7 | .1102 | |
8 | .1095 | |
9 | .1088 | |
10 | .1080 | |
11 | .1073 | |
25 | 0 | .1066 |
1 | .1059 | |
2 | .1052 | |
3 | .1046 | |
4 | .1039 | |
5 | .1032 | |
6 | .1025 | |
7 | .1019 | |
8 | .1012 | |
9 | .1005 | |
10 | .0998 | |
11 | .0992 | |
26 | 0 | .0985 |
1 | .0979 | |
2 | .0973 | |
3 | .0966 | |
4 | .0960 | |
5 | .0954 | |
6 | .0948 | |
7 | .0942 | |
8 | .0936 | |
9 | .0929 | |
10 | .0923 | |
11 | .0917 | |
27 | 0 | .0911 |
1 | .0905 | |
2 | .0899 | |
3 | .0894 | |
4 | .0888 | |
5 | .0882 | |
6 | .0877 | |
7 | .0871 | |
8 | .0865 | |
9 | .0860 | |
10 | .0854 | |
11 | .0848 | |
28 | 0 | .0842 |
1 | .0837 | |
2 | .0832 | |
3 | .0827 | |
4 | .0822 | |
5 | .0816 | |
6 | .0811 | |
7 | .0806 | |
8 | .0801 | |
9 | .0795 | |
10 | .0790 | |
11 | .0785 | |
29 | 0 | .0780 |
1 | .0775 | |
2 | .0770 | |
3 | .0765 | |
4 | .0760 | |
5 | .0755 | |
6 | .0751 | |
7 | .0746 | |
8 | .0741 | |
9 | .0736 | |
10 | .0731 | |
11 | .0726 | |
30 | 0 | .0722 |
1 | .0717 | |
2 | .0713 | |
3 | .0708 | |
4 | .0704 | |
5 | .0699 | |
6 | .0695 | |
7 | .0690 | |
8 | .0686 | |
9 | .0682 | |
10 | .0677 | |
11 | .0673 | |
31 | 0 | .0668 |
1 | .0664 | |
2 | .0660 | |
3 | .0656 | |
4 | .0652 | |
5 | .0648 | |
6 | .0644 | |
7 | .0639 | |
8 | .0635 | |
9 | .0631 | |
10 | .0627 | |
11 | .0623 | |
32 | 0 | .0619 |
1 | .0615 | |
2 | .0611 | |
3 | .0608 | |
4 | .0604 | |
5 | .0600 | |
6 | .0596 | |
7 | .0592 | |
8 | .0589 | |
9 | .0585 | |
10 | .0581 | |
11 | .0577 | |
33 | 0 | .0573 |
1 | .0570 | |
2 | .0566 | |
3 | .0563 | |
4 | .0559 | |
5 | .0556 | |
6 | .0552 | |
7 | .0549 | |
8 | .0545 | |
9 | .0542 | |
10 | .0538 | |
11 | .0535 | |
34 | 0 | .0531 |
1 | .0528 | |
2 | .0525 | |
3 | .0522 | |
4 | .0518 | |
5 | .0515 | |
6 | .0512 | |
7 | .0509 | |
8 | .0506 | |
9 | .0502 | |
10 | .0499 | |
11 | .0496 | |
35 | or more | .0493 |
((Plan II)) Plans 2 and 3 Option 1
Monthly Benefit per $1.00
of Accumulation
20 | .0039357 |
21 | .0039525 |
22 | .0039702 |
23 | .0039887 |
24 | .0040081 |
25 | .0040286 |
26 | .0040500 |
27 | .0040726 |
28 | .0040963 |
29 | .0041213 |
30 | .0041476 |
31 | .0041753 |
32 | .0042044 |
33 | .0042351 |
34 | .0042675 |
35 | .0043015 |
36 | .0043375 |
37 | .0043756 |
38 | .0044157 |
39 | .0044581 |
40 | .0045029 |
41 | .0045502 |
42 | .0046001 |
43 | .0046528 |
44 | .0047084 |
45 | .0047670 |
46 | .0048287 |
47 | .0048939 |
48 | .0049626 |
49 | .0050352 |
50 | .0051120 |
51 | .0051933 |
52 | .0052795 |
53 | .0053712 |
54 | .0054687 |
55 | .0055727 |
56 | .0056837 |
57 | .0058025 |
58 | .0059296 |
59 | .0060657 |
60 | .0062116 |
61 | .0063676 |
62 | .0065347 |
63 | .0067134 |
64 | .0069044 |
65 | .0071085 |
66 | .0073263 |
67 | .0075587 |
68 | .0078066 |
69 | .0080711 |
70 | .0083537 |
71 | .0086558 |
72 | .0089785 |
73 | .0093230 |
74 | .0096898 |
75 | .0100792 |
76 | .0104910 |
77 | .0109250 |
78 | .0113811 |
79 | .0118589 |
80 | .0123587 |
81 | .0128793 |
82 | .0134243 |
83 | .0139934 |
84 | .0145880 |
85 | .0152103 |
86 | .0158600 |
87 | .0165374 |
88 | .0172413 |
89 | .0179682 |
90 | .0187162 |
91 | .0194835 |
92 | .0202654 |
93 | .0210569 |
94 | .0218459 |
95 | .0226265 |
96 | .0234038 |
97 | .0241752 |
98 | .0249356 |
99 | .0256785 |
Public Employees Retirement System PERS I Optional COLA* | Public Employees Retirement
System Plan 1 Option 1 Monthly
Benefit per $1.00 of Accumulation |
Age |
20 | 0.6369 | 20 | .0061792 |
21 | 0.6386 | 21 | .0061891 |
22 | 0.6404 | 22 | .0061997 |
23 | 0.6422 | 23 | .0062111 |
24 | 0.6441 | 24 | .0062232 |
25 | 0.6460 | 25 | .0062362 |
26 | 0.6480 | 26 | .0062501 |
27 | 0.6501 | 27 | .0062650 |
28 | 0.6522 | 28 | .0062809 |
29 | 0.6544 | 29 | .0062979 |
30 | 0.6567 | 30 | .0063162 |
31 | 0.6590 | 31 | .0063357 |
32 | 0.6614 | 32 | .0063566 |
33 | 0.6639 | 33 | .0063790 |
34 | 0.6665 | 34 | .0064030 |
35 | 0.6691 | 35 | .0064286 |
36 | 0.6718 | 36 | .0064561 |
37 | 0.6747 | 37 | .0064856 |
38 | 0.6775 | 38 | .0065173 |
39 | 0.6805 | 39 | .0065512 |
40 | 0.6836 | 40 | .0065875 |
41 | 0.6867 | 41 | .0066263 |
42 | 0.6899 | 42 | .0066677 |
43 | 0.6932 | 43 | .0067119 |
44 | 0.6966 | 44 | .0067590 |
45 | 0.7001 | 45 | .0068091 |
46 | 0.7036 | 46 | .0068624 |
47 | 0.7073 | 47 | .0069190 |
48 | 0.7111 | 48 | .0069792 |
49 | 0.7149 | 49 | .0070432 |
50 | 0.7188 | 50 | .0071114 |
51 | 0.7229 | 51 | .0071843 |
52 | 0.7270 | 52 | .0072621 |
53 | 0.7312 | 53 | .0073455 |
54 | 0.7355 | 54 | .0074351 |
55 | 0.7399 | 55 | .0075313 |
56 | 0.7444 | 56 | .0076350 |
57 | 0.7490 | 57 | .0077467 |
58 | 0.7537 | 58 | .0078672 |
59 | 0.7585 | 59 | .0079972 |
60 | 0.7633 | 60 | .0081375 |
61 | 0.7682 | 61 | .0082885 |
62 | 0.7733 | 62 | .0084509 |
63 | 0.7783 | 63 | .0086255 |
64 | 0.7835 | 64 | .0088128 |
65 | 0.7887 | 65 | .0090135 |
66 | 0.7939 | 66 | .0092282 |
67 | 0.7992 | 67 | .0094577 |
68 | 0.8046 | 68 | .0097029 |
69 | 0.8099 | 69 | .0099651 |
70 | 0.8154 | 70 | .0102454 |
71 | 0.8208 | 71 | .0105455 |
72 | 0.8263 | 72 | .0108665 |
73 | 0.8317 | 73 | .0112093 |
74 | 0.8372 | 74 | .0115744 |
75 | 0.8426 | 75 | .0119617 |
76 | 0.8480 | 76 | .0123709 |
77 | 0.8534 | 77 | .0128014 |
78 | 0.8584 | 78 | .0132528 |
79 | 0.8641 | 79 | .0137246 |
80 | 0.8693 | 80 | .0142169 |
81 | 0.8745 | 81 | .0147281 |
82 | 0.8796 | 82 | .0152621 |
83 | 0.8846 | 83 | .0158184 |
84 | 0.8896 | 84 | .0163986 |
85 | 0.8945 | 85 | .0170045 |
86 | 0.8993 | 86 | .0176361 |
87 | 0.9040 | 87 | .0182936 |
88 | 0.9086 | 88 | .0189757 |
89 | 0.9131 | 89 | .0196789 |
90 | 0.9174 | 90 | .0204015 |
91 | 0.9216 | 91 | .0211420 |
92 | 0.9255 | 92 | .0218957 |
93 | 0.9294 | 93 | .0226575 |
94 | 0.9329 | 94 | .0234160 |
95 | 0.9363 | 95 | .0241655 |
96 | 0.9395 | 96 | .0249116 |
97 | 0.9424 | 97 | .0256520 |
98 | 0.9452 | 98 | .0263822 |
99 | 0.9477 | 99 | .0270961 |
PERS I Survivor Option Factors
Member Younger
Age Difference | OPTION II (100%) | OPTION IV (66 2/3%) |
(50%) |
20 |
0.948 | 0.965 | 0.973 |
-19 | 0.945 | 0.963 | 0.972 |
-18 | 0.940 | 0.959 | 0.969 |
-17 | 0.936 | 0.956 | 0.967 |
-16 | 0.933 | 0.954 | 0.965 |
-15 | 0.929 | 0.951 | 0.963 |
-14 | 0.925 | 0.949 | 0.961 |
-13 | 0.921 | 0.946 | 0.959 |
-12 | 0.916 | 0.943 | 0.956 |
-11 | 0.910 | 0.938 | 0.953 |
-10 | 0.906 | 0.935 | 0.950 |
-9 | 0.900 | 0.931 | 0.948 |
-8 | 0.895 | 0.928 | 0.945 |
-7 | 0.889 | 0.923 | 0.941 |
-6 | 0.882 | 0.918 | 0.937 |
-5 | 0.876 | 0.914 | 0.934 |
-4 | 0.868 | 0.908 | 0.930 |
-3 | 0.860 | 0.902 | 0.925 |
-2 | 0.849 | 0.894 | 0.918 |
-1 | 0.836 | 0.884 | 0.911 |
Member Older
Age Difference |
OPTION II (100%) | OPTION IV (66 2/3%) |
(50%) |
0 | .822 |
0.874 | 0.902 |
1 | 0.808 | 0.863 | 0.894 |
2 | 0.796 | 0.854 | 0.886 |
3 | 0.787 | 0.848 | 0.881 |
4 | 0.782 | 0.844 | 0.878 |
5 | 0.778 | 0.840 | 0.875 |
6 | 0.773 | 0.837 | 0.872 |
7 | 0.766 | 0.831 | 0.868 |
8 | 0.757 | 0.824 | 0.862 |
9 | 0.746 | 0.815 | 0.854 |
10 | 0.736 | 0.807 | 0.848 |
11 | 0.729 | 0.801 | 0.843 |
12 | 0.724 | 0.798 | 0.840 |
13 | 0.720 | 0.794 | 0.837 |
14 | 0.715 | 0.790 | 0.834 |
15 | 0.711 | 0.787 | 0.832 |
16 | 0.708 | 0.784 | 0.829 |
17 | 0.704 | 0.781 | 0.827 |
18 | 0.702 | 0.779 | 0.825 |
19 | 0.698 | 0.776 | 0.822 |
20 | 0.695 | 0.774 | 0.820 |
21 | 0.692 | 0.772 | 0.818 |
22 | 0.689 | 0.769 | 0.816 |
23 | 0.686 | 0.767 | 0.814 |
24 | 0.683 | 0.764 | 0.812 |
25 | 0.681 | 0.763 | 0.811 |
26 | 0.679 | 0.761 | 0.809 |
27 | 0.677 | 0.759 | 0.808 |
28 | 0.675 | 0.758 | 0.806 |
29 | 0.673 | 0.756 | 0.805 |
30 | 0.671 | 0.754 | 0.804 |
31 | 0.669 | 0.753 | 0.802 |
32 | 0.668 | 0.752 | 0.801 |
33 | 0.667 | 0.750 | 0.800 |
34 | 0.666 | 0.749 | 0.799 |
35 | 0.664 | 0.747 | 0.798 |
36 | 0.663 | 0.747 | 0.797 |
37 | 0.662 | 0.746 | 0.796 |
38 | 0.661 | 0.745 | 0.796 |
39 | 0.660 | 0.744 | 0.795 |
40 | 0.659 | 0.743 | 0.794 |
Age difference = member's age minus beneficiary's age |
PERS ((II)) Plans 2 and 3 Survivor Option Factors
Member Younger
Age Difference |
OPTION II (100%) | OPTION IV (66 2/3%) |
(50%) |
-20 | .928 |
0.951 | 0.962 |
-19 | 0.925 | 0.949 | 0.961 |
-18 | 0.922 | 0.946 | 0.959 |
-17 | 0.919 | 0.945 | 0.958 |
-16 | 0.916 | 0.942 | 0.956 |
-15 | 0.912 | 0.940 | 0.954 |
-14 | 0.908 | 0.937 | 0.952 |
-13 | 0.904 | 0.933 | 0.949 |
-12 | 0.898 | 0.930 | 0.946 |
-11 | 0.892 | 0.925 | 0.943 |
-10 | 0.885 | 0.920 | 0.939 |
-9 | 0.879 | 0.916 | 0.935 |
-8 | 0.873 | 0.911 | 0.932 |
-7 | 0.865 | 0.906 | 0.927 |
-6 | 0.857 | 0.900 | 0.923 |
-5 | 0.849 | 0.894 | 0.918 |
-4 | 0.839 | 0.887 | 0.912 |
-3 | 0.828 | 0.878 | 0.906 |
-2 | 0.813 | 0.867 | 0.897 |
-1 | 0.797 | 0.855 | 0.887 |
Member Older
Age Difference |
OPTION II (100%) |
OPTION IV (66 2/3%) |
OPTION III (50%) |
0 | 0.779 | 0.841 | 0.876 |
1 | 0.763 | 0.829 | 0.866 |
2 | 0.748 | 0.817 | 0.856 |
3 | 0.735 | 0.807 | 0.848 |
4 | 0.725 | 0.798 | 0.841 |
5 | 0.716 | 0.791 | 0.835 |
6 | 0.708 | 0.785 | 0.830 |
7 | 0.698 | 0.777 | 0.823 |
8 | 0.687 | 0.767 | 0.815 |
9 | 0.674 | 0.757 | 0.806 |
10 | 0.662 | 0.747 | 0.797 |
11 | 0.653 | 0.739 | 0.791 |
12 | 0.646 | 0.733 | 0.786 |
13 | 0.640 | 0.728 | 0.781 |
14 | 0.634 | 0.722 | 0.776 |
15 | 0.628 | 0.717 | 0.772 |
16 | 0.622 | 0.712 | 0.767 |
17 | 0.616 | 0.707 | 0.763 |
18 | 0.611 | 0.702 | 0.759 |
19 | 0.606 | 0.698 | 0.755 |
20 | 0.602 | 0.694 | 0.751 |
21 | 0.596 | 0.689 | 0.747 |
22 | 0.591 | 0.684 | 0.743 |
23 | 0.587 | 0.681 | 0.740 |
24 | 0.582 | 0.676 | 0.736 |
25 | 0.577 | 0.672 | 0.732 |
26 | 0.573 | 0.668 | 0.729 |
27 | 0.569 | 0.665 | 0.726 |
28 | 0.565 | 0.661 | 0.722 |
29 | 0.562 | 0.658 | 0.720 |
30 | 0.558 | 0.655 | 0.717 |
31 | 0.555 | 0.652 | 0.714 |
32 | 0.552 | 0.649 | 0.712 |
33 | 0.549 | 0.647 | 0.709 |
34 | 0.546 | 0.644 | 0.707 |
35 | 0.543 | 0.641 | 0.705 |
36 | 0.540 | 0.638 | 0.702 |
37 | 0.538 | 0.637 | 0.700 |
38 | 0.535 | 0.634 | 0.698 |
39 | 0.533 | 0.632 | 0.696 |
40 | 0.531 | 0.630 | 0.695 |
Age difference = member's age minus beneficiary's age |
Early Retirement Factors by Year and Month |
0 | 0 | 1.0000 |
1 | .9910 | |
2 | .9821 | |
3 | .9731 | |
4 | .9641 | |
5 | .9551 | |
6 | .9462 | |
7 | .9372 | |
8 | .9282 | |
9 | .9193 | |
10 | .9103 | |
11 | .9013 | |
1 | 0 | .8923 |
1 | .8845 | |
2 | .8767 | |
3 | .8688 | |
4 | .8610 | |
5 | .8531 | |
6 | .8453 | |
7 | .8374 | |
8 | .8296 | |
9 | .8217 | |
10 | .8139 | |
11 | .8061 | |
2 | 0 | .7982 |
1 | .7913 | |
2 | .7844 | |
3 | .7776 | |
4 | .7707 | |
5 | .7638 | |
6 | .7569 | |
7 | .7500 | |
8 | .7431 | |
9 | .7363 | |
10 | .7294 | |
11 | .7225 | |
3 | 0 | .7156 |
1 | .7096 | |
2 | .7035 | |
3 | .6975 | |
4 | .6914 | |
5 | .6853 | |
6 | .6793 | |
7 | .6732 | |
8 | .6672 | |
9 | .6611 | |
10 | .6551 | |
11 | .6490 | |
4 | 0 | .6429 |
1 | .6376 | |
2 | .6322 | |
3 | .6269 | |
4 | .6215 | |
5 | .6162 | |
6 | .6109 | |
7 | .6055 | |
8 | .6002 | |
9 | .5948 | |
10 | .5895 | |
11 | .5841 | |
5 | 0 | .5788 |
1 | .5740 | |
2 | .5693 | |
3 | .5646 | |
4 | .5598 | |
5 | .5551 | |
6 | .5504 | |
7 | .5456 | |
8 | .5409 | |
9 | .5362 | |
10 | .5314 | |
11 | .5267 | |
6 | 0 | .5220 |
1 | .5178 | |
2 | .5136 | |
3 | .5094 | |
4 | .5052 | |
5 | .5010 | |
6 | .4968 | |
7 | .4926 | |
8 | .4884 | |
9 | .4842 | |
10 | .4800 | |
11 | .4758 | |
7 | 0 | .4716 |
1 | .4678 | |
2 | .4641 | |
3 | .4603 | |
4 | .4566 | |
5 | .4529 | |
6 | .4491 | |
7 | .4454 | |
8 | .4416 | |
9 | .4379 | |
10 | .4342 | |
11 | .4304 | |
8 | 0 | .4267 |
1 | .4234 | |
2 | .4200 | |
3 | .4167 | |
4 | .4134 | |
5 | .4100 | |
6 | .4067 | |
7 | .4033 | |
8 | .4000 | |
9 | .3967 | |
10 | .3933 | |
11 | .3900 | |
9 | 0 | .3867 |
1 | .3837 | |
2 | .3807 | |
3 | .3777 | |
4 | .3747 | |
5 | .3718 | |
6 | .3688 | |
7 | .3658 | |
8 | .3628 | |
9 | .3598 | |
10 | .3569 | |
11 | .3539 | |
10 | 0 | .3509 |
1 | .3482 | |
2 | .3456 | |
3 | .3429 | |
4 | .3402 | |
5 | .3375 | |
6 | .3349 | |
7 | .3322 | |
8 | .3295 | |
9 | .3269 | |
10 | .3242 | |
11 | .3215 | |
11 | 0 | .3188 |
1 | .3165 | |
2 | .3141 | |
3 | .3117 | |
4 | .3093 | |
5 | .3069 | |
6 | .3045 | |
7 | .3021 | |
8 | .2997 | |
9 | .2973 | |
10 | .2949 | |
11 | .2925 | |
12 | 0 | .2901 |
1 | .2879 | |
2 | .2858 | |
3 | .2836 | |
4 | .2815 | |
5 | .2793 | |
6 | .2771 | |
7 | .2750 | |
8 | .2728 | |
9 | .2707 | |
10 | .2685 | |
11 | .2664 | |
13 | 0 | .2642 |
1 | .2623 | |
2 | .2603 | |
3 | .2584 | |
4 | .2564 | |
5 | .2545 | |
6 | .2526 | |
7 | .2506 | |
8 | .2487 | |
9 | .2467 | |
10 | .2448 | |
11 | .2429 | |
14 | 0 | .2409 |
1 | .2392 | |
2 | .2374 | |
3 | .2357 | |
4 | .2339 | |
5 | .2322 | |
6 | .2304 | |
7 | .2287 | |
8 | .2269 | |
9 | .2252 | |
10 | .2234 | |
11 | .2216 | |
15 | 0 | .2199 |
1 | .2183 | |
2 | .2167 | |
3 | .2151 | |
4 | .2136 | |
5 | .2120 | |
6 | .2104 | |
7 | .2088 | |
8 | .2072 | |
9 | .2057 | |
10 | .2041 | |
11 | .2025 | |
16 | 0 | .2009 |
1 | .1995 | |
2 | .1980 | |
3 | .1966 | |
4 | .1952 | |
5 | .1937 | |
6 | .1923 | |
7 | .1909 | |
8 | .1894 | |
9 | .1880 | |
10 | .1866 | |
11 | .1851 | |
17 | 0 | .1837 |
1 | .1824 | |
2 | .1811 | |
3 | .1798 | |
4 | .1785 | |
5 | .1772 | |
6 | .1759 | |
7 | .1746 | |
8 | .1733 | |
9 | .1720 | |
10 | .1707 | |
11 | .1694 | |
18 | 0 | .1681 |
1 | .1670 | |
2 | .1658 | |
3 | .1646 | |
4 | .1634 | |
5 | .1623 | |
6 | .1611 | |
7 | .1599 | |
8 | .1587 | |
9 | .1575 | |
10 | .1564 | |
11 | .1552 | |
19 | 0 | .1540 |
1 | .1529 | |
2 | .1519 | |
3 | .1508 | |
4 | .1497 | |
5 | .1487 | |
6 | .1476 | |
7 | .1465 | |
8 | .1455 | |
9 | .1444 | |
10 | .1433 | |
11 | .1422 | |
20 | 0 | .1412 |
1 | .1402 | |
2 | .1392 | |
3 | .1383 | |
4 | .1373 | |
5 | .1363 | |
6 | .1353 | |
7 | .1344 | |
8 | .1334 | |
9 | .1324 | |
10 | .1315 | |
11 | .1305 | |
21 | 0 | .1295 |
1 | .1286 | |
2 | .1277 | |
3 | .1269 | |
4 | .1260 | |
5 | .1251 | |
6 | .1242 | |
7 | .1233 | |
8 | .1224 | |
9 | .1215 | |
10 | .1207 | |
11 | .1198 | |
22 | 0 | .1189 |
1 | .1181 | |
2 | .1173 | |
3 | .1165 | |
4 | .1157 | |
5 | .1149 | |
6 | .1140 | |
7 | .1132 | |
8 | .1124 | |
9 | .1116 | |
10 | .1108 | |
11 | .1100 | |
23 | 0 | .1092 |
1 | .1085 | |
2 | .1077 | |
3 | .1070 | |
4 | .1063 | |
5 | .1055 | |
6 | .1048 | |
7 | .1041 | |
8 | .1033 | |
9 | .1026 | |
10 | .1018 | |
11 | .1011 | |
24 | 0 | .1004 |
1 | .0997 | |
2 | .0990 | |
3 | .0984 | |
4 | .0977 | |
5 | .0970 | |
6 | .0963 | |
7 | .0957 | |
8 | .0950 | |
9 | .0943 | |
10 | .0937 | |
11 | .0930 | |
25 | 0 | .0923 |
1 | .0917 | |
2 | .0911 | |
3 | .0905 | |
4 | .0898 | |
5 | .0892 | |
6 | .0886 | |
7 | .0880 | |
8 | .0874 | |
9 | .0868 | |
10 | .0862 | |
11 | .0856 | |
26 | 0 | .0849 |
1 | .0844 | |
2 | .0838 | |
3 | .0833 | |
4 | .0827 | |
5 | .0821 | |
6 | .0816 | |
7 | .0810 | |
8 | .0804 | |
9 | .0799 | |
10 | .0793 | |
11 | .0788 | |
27 | 0 | .0782 |
1 | .0777 | |
2 | .0772 | |
3 | .0767 | |
4 | .0761 | |
5 | .0756 | |
6 | .0751 | |
7 | .0746 | |
8 | .0741 | |
9 | .0736 | |
10 | .0731 | |
11 | .0725 | |
28 | 0 | .0720 |
1 | .0716 | |
2 | .0711 | |
3 | .0706 | |
4 | .0701 | |
5 | .0697 | |
6 | .0692 | |
7 | .0687 | |
8 | .0683 | |
9 | .0678 | |
10 | .0673 | |
11 | .0668 | |
29 | 0 | .0664 |
1 | .0659 | |
2 | .0655 | |
3 | .0651 | |
4 | .0646 | |
5 | .0642 | |
6 | .0638 | |
7 | .0634 | |
8 | .0629 | |
9 | .0625 | |
10 | .0621 | |
11 | .0616 | |
30 | 0 | .0612 |
1 | .0608 | |
2 | .0604 | |
3 | .0600 | |
4 | .0596 | |
5 | .0592 | |
6 | .0588 | |
7 | .0584 | |
8 | .0580 | |
9 | .0576 | |
10 | .0572 | |
11 | .0568 | |
31 | 0 | .0564 |
1 | .0561 | |
2 | .0557 | |
3 | .0553 | |
4 | .0550 | |
5 | .0546 | |
6 | .0543 | |
7 | .0539 | |
8 | .0535 | |
9 | .0532 | |
10 | .0528 | |
11 | .0524 | |
32 | 0 | .0521 |
1 | .0517 | |
2 | .0514 | |
3 | .0511 | |
4 | .0507 | |
5 | .0504 | |
6 | .0501 | |
7 | .0497 | |
8 | .0494 | |
9 | .0491 | |
10 | .0487 | |
11 | .0484 | |
33 | 0 | .0481 |
1 | .0478 | |
2 | .0475 | |
3 | .0471 | |
4 | .0468 | |
5 | .0465 | |
6 | .0462 | |
7 | .0459 | |
8 | .0456 | |
9 | .0453 | |
10 | .0450 | |
11 | .0447 | |
34 | 0 | .0444 |
1 | .0441 | |
2 | .0438 | |
3 | .0435 | |
4 | .0433 | |
5 | .0430 | |
6 | .0427 | |
7 | .0424 | |
8 | .0421 | |
9 | .0418 | |
10 | .0416 | |
11 | .0413 | |
35 | 0 | .0410 |
1 | .0407 | |
2 | .0405 | |
3 | .0402 | |
4 | .0400 | |
5 | .0397 | |
6 | .0394 | |
7 | .0392 | |
8 | .0389 | |
9 | .0387 | |
10 | .0384 | |
11 | .0381 | |
36 | 0 | .0379 |
1 | .0376 | |
2 | .0374 | |
3 | .0372 | |
4 | .0369 | |
5 | .0367 | |
6 | .0364 | |
7 | .0362 | |
8 | .0360 | |
9 | .0357 | |
10 | .0355 | |
11 | .0352 | |
37 | 0 | .0350 |
1 | .0348 | |
2 | .0346 | |
3 | .0343 | |
4 | .0341 | |
5 | .0339 | |
6 | .0337 | |
7 | .0335 | |
8 | .0332 | |
9 | .0330 | |
10 | .0328 | |
11 | .0326 | |
38 | 0 | .0324 |
1 | .0322 | |
2 | .0320 | |
3 | .0318 | |
4 | .0316 | |
5 | .0313 | |
6 | .0311 | |
7 | .0309 | |
8 | .0307 | |
9 | .0305 | |
10 | .0303 | |
11 | .0301 | |
39 | 0 | .0299 |
1 | .0297 | |
2 | .0296 | |
3 | .0294 | |
4 | .0292 | |
5 | .0290 | |
6 | .0288 | |
7 | .0286 | |
8 | .0284 | |
9 | .0282 | |
10 | .0281 | |
11 | .0279 | |
40 | 0 | .0277 |
1 | .0275 | |
2 | .0273 | |
3 | .0272 | |
4 | .0270 | |
5 | .0268 | |
6 | .0266 | |
7 | .0265 | |
8 | .0263 | |
9 | .0261 | |
10 | .0260 | |
11 | .0258 | |
41 | 0 | .0256 |
1 | .0255 | |
2 | .0253 | |
3 | .0251 | |
4 | .0250 | |
5 | .0248 | |
6 | .0247 | |
7 | .0245 | |
8 | .0243 | |
9 | .0242 | |
10 | .0240 | |
11 | .0239 | |
42 | 0 | .0237 |
1 | .0236 | |
2 | .0234 | |
3 | .0233 | |
4 | .0231 | |
5 | .0230 | |
6 | .0228 | |
7 | .0227 | |
8 | .0225 | |
9 | .0224 | |
10 | .0222 | |
11 | .0221 | |
43 | 0 | .0219 |
1 | .0218 | |
2 | .0217 | |
3 | .0215 | |
4 | .0214 | |
5 | .0213 | |
6 | .0211 | |
7 | .0210 | |
8 | .0209 | |
9 | .0207 | |
10 | .0206 | |
11 | .0205 | |
44 | 0 | .0203 |
1 | .0202 | |
2 | .0201 | |
3 | .0199 | |
4 | .0198 | |
5 | .0197 | |
6 | .0196 | |
7 | .0194 | |
8 | .0193 | |
9 | .0192 | |
10 | .0191 | |
11 | .0189 | |
45 | or more | .0188 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 96-03-100, 415-108-340, filed 1/19/96, effective 2/19/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050, 41.40.165, 41.40.020 and 41.40.022. 91-02-018, 415-108-340, filed 12/21/90, effective 1/21/91.]
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-441, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
Type of Payment | PERS (( Compensation? |
PERS (( Compensation? |
Annual Leave Cash Outs | Yes - WAC 415-108-456 | No - WAC 415-108-456 | ||
Assault Pay (State Emp.) | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | ||
Base Rate | Yes - WAC 415-108-451 | Yes - WAC 415-108-451 | ||
Car Allowances | No - WAC 415-108-4851 | No - WAC 415-108-485 | ||
Cafeteria Plans | Yes - WAC 415-108-455 | Yes - WAC 415-108-455 | ||
Deferred Wages | Yes - WAC 415-108-459 | Yes - WAC 415-108-459 | ||
Disability Payments | No - WAC 415-108-477 | No - WAC 415-108-477 | ||
Disability: Salary lost while on disability leave | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | ||
RCW 41.40.038 | RCW 41.40.038 | |||
Employer Provided Vehicle | No - WAC 415-108-4802 | No - WAC 415-108-480 | ||
Employer taxes/contributions | No - WAC 415-108-459 | No - WAC 415-108-459 | ||
Fringe Benefits | No - WAC 415-108-475 | No - WAC 415-108-475 | ||
Illegal Payments | No - WAC 415-108-482 | No - WAC 415-108-482 | ||
Legislative Leave | Yes - WAC 415-108-464 | Yes - WAC 415-108-464 | ||
Longevity/Education Attainment Pay |
Yes - WAC 415-108-451 | Yes - WAC 415-108-451 | ||
Nonmoney Maintenance | Yes - WAC 415-108-4703 | No - WAC 415-108-470 | ||
Optional Payments | No - WAC 415-108-483 | No - WAC 415-108-483 | ||
Payments in Lieu of Excluded Items |
No - WAC 415-108-463 | No - WAC 415-108-463 | ||
Performance Bonuses | Yes - WAC 415-108-453 | Yes - WAC 415-108-453 |
2A portion of the value of an employer provided vehicle may
be reportable in Plan I only, see WAC 415-108-480.
3A portion of the value of nonmoney maintenance provided may
be reportable in Plan I only, see WAC 415-108-470.
Type of Payment | PERS (( Compensation? |
PERS (( Compensation? |
Retroactive Salary Increase | Yes - WAC 415-108-457 | Yes - WAC 415-108-457 | ||
Reimbursements | No - WAC 415-108-484 | No - WAC 415-108-484 | ||
Reinstatement Payments | Yes - WAC 415-108-467 | Yes - WAC 415-108-467 | ||
Retirement or Termination Bonuses |
No - WAC 415-108-487 | No - WAC 415-108-487 | ||
Severance Pay - Earned Over Time |
Yes - WAC 415-108-458 | No - WAC 415-108-458 | ||
Severance Pay - Not Earned Over Time |
No - WAC 415-108-488 | No - WAC 415-108-488 | ||
Shared Leave - State Emp. | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | Yes - WAC 415-108-468 | ||
Shared Leave - Local Government Employees |
No - WAC 415-108-468 | No - WAC 415-108-468 | ||
Sick Leave Cash Outs - State Employees |
No - WAC 415-108-456 | No - WAC 415-108-456 | ||
Sick Leave Cash Out - Local Government Employees |
Yes - WAC 415-108-456 | No - WAC 415-108-456 | ||
Standby Pay | Yes - WAC 415-108-469 | Yes - WAC 415-108-469 | ||
Time Off with Pay | Yes - WAC 415-108-456 | Yes - WAC 415-108-456 | ||
WAC 415-108-465 | WAC 415-108-465 | |||
Union Leave4 | Yes - WAC 415-108-466 | Yes - WAC 415-108-466 | ||
Worker's Compensation | No - WAC 415-108-479 | No - WAC 415-108-479 |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-443, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
(a) Leave accrues at a prescribed rate, usually a certain number of hours per month.
(b) You earn a leave day by providing service during the month the leave accrued.
(c) Sick leave and annual leave are accumulated over time and paid to you during a period of excused absence.
(d) When you use your accrued leave by taking a scheduled work day off with pay, the payment is deferred compensation for services previously provided.
(e) The payment is a salary or wage earned for services provided and is reportable.
(2) Annual leave cash outs. Annual leave cash outs, like
payments for leave usage, are deferred compensation earned for
services previously ((rendered)) provided. Whether, and to what
extent an annual leave cash out qualifies as reportable
compensation depends upon ((which)) the PERS plan ((the member))
to which you belong((s to)) and the type of employer.
(a) Plans 2 and 3: Annual leave cash outs are not
reportable compensation ((for PERS Plan II members)). Although
the payments are for services ((rendered)) provided, they are
excluded from the definition of compensation earnable by
statute((,)). See RCW 41.40.010 (8)(b).
(b) Plan 1, state government employees: A cash out of up to
thirty days of annual leave for state government employees is
reportable compensation ((for PERS Plan I,)). See RCW 43.01.040.
A cash out in excess of thirty days of annual leave:
(i) Qualifies as reportable compensation if ((it)) the leave
is authorized by a letter of necessity under RCW 43.01.040. Annual leave qualifies as authorized under a letter of necessity
only if the leave was earned after the letter of necessity was
(ii) Does not qualify as reportable compensation if ((it))
the leave is earned between the date that ((the member)) you
accrued thirty days of annual leave and ((the member's)) your
anniversary date under RCW 43.01.044.
(c) Plan 1 employees not covered by (2)(b): All annual
leave cash outs received by PERS Plan ((I)) 1 members who are not
state employees qualify as reportable compensation.
(3) Sick leave cash outs. Sick leave cash outs are deferred
compensation for services previously ((rendered)) provided.
(a) Sick leave cash outs are excluded from the definition of
compensation earnable for PERS Plan ((II)) 2 or 3 members by
statute((,)). See RCW 41.40.010 (8)(b).
(b) Sick leave cash outs are reportable compensation for
PERS Plan ((I)) 1 members other than state, school district, and
educational service district employees.
(c) Sick leave cash outs are excluded from reportable compensation for:
(i) State employees by RCW 41.04.340;
(ii) School district employees by RCW 28A.400.210; and
(iii) Educational service district employees by RCW 28A.310.490.
See RCW 41.40.010 (8)(a).
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-456, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
Severance pay is earned over time if the employment contract(s) or compensation policies in effect at the beginning of a given period of employment specify that a certain amount of severance pay will be earned during that period in consideration for services provided.
Example: | Mr. Jones is a PERS Plan (( |
(2) PERS Plans ((II.)) 2 and 3: All forms of severance pay
are excluded from earnable compensation ((for Plans II by)). See
RCW 41.40.010 (8)(b).
(((3) Severance pay that is not earned over time is not
earned for services rendered and is not reportable in Plan I or
II, see WAC 415-108-488.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-458, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
(1) Plan ((I. The salary the employee would have earned from
their employer is reportable compensation if the required member
contribution is paid by the member and the required employer
contribution is paid by the member or the employer.)) 1: Your
reportable compensation is the salary you would have earned from
your employer. You must pay employee contributions on this
amount. Either you or your employer must pay employer
contributions on the amount.
(2) Plan ((II. The employee)) 2 or 3: You may choose
(a) The)) your reportable compensation ((he or she)) to be:
(a) The reportable compensation you would have earned ((had
the member not served in the legislature)) from your employer; or
(b) ((The)) Your actual reportable compensation for your
legislative and nonlegislative ((public employment and the
legislative)) service combined.
If ((the member selects option)) you choose (2)(a) of this
subsection((, he or she is responsible for paying the additional
employer and employee contributions to the extent the reportable
compensation reported is higher than it would have been under (b)
of this subsection)) and your reportable compensation is higher
than it would have been under (2)(b) of this subsection, you must
pay both employee and employer contributions on the excess
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-464, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
(1) The payment is equal to the salary ((for the position
that the person is on leave from;)) that you normally earn in
your position; and
(2) The payment is actually from the employer. Payments
from an employer that are conditioned upon reimbursement from a
third party are payments from the third party. Because the
payments are not from the employer, they are not reportable
compensation. The only exception is union leave paid by the
employer subject to reimbursement from the union under the
conditions specified in RCW 41.40.175 (Plan ((I)) 1) ((and)), RCW 41.40.710 (Plan ((II)) 2), RCW 41.40.805 (Plan 3), and WAC 415-108-466.
Example: | Joe injures himself off the job and collects labor and industries payments instead of compensation from his employer. Because the payments are not from his employer, they are not reportable compensation. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW 41.50.050. 98-09-059, 415-108-465, filed 4/17/98, effective 5/18/98.]
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending WSR 01-01-059, filed 12/12/00,
effective 1/12/01)
WAC 415-111-110
Member and employer responsibility.
What am I responsible for as a Plan 3 member? As a Plan 3 member
your responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
(a) Adhering to ((published)) time frames;
(b) Making investment decisions for your defined contribution account;
(c) Reviewing account information provided on statements, such as quarterly statements, and notifying the correct organization of any errors;
(d) Filling out the correct form for a requested action;
(e) Correctly completing the appropriate form for a requested action and submitting the form to the correct organization as directed on each form; and
(f) Monitoring to ensure contributions do not exceed Internal Revenue Code limits (see WAC 415-111-111).
(2) What can happen if I do not fulfill my Plan 3 responsibilities? If you do not fulfill your responsibilities, the consequences may include, but are not limited to:
(a) You may not qualify for certain benefits, such as the transfer payment;
(b) You may have a delay in the correction of errors on your account;
(c) You may have a delay in the processing of your request for a defined contribution withdrawal; or
(d) You may have a delay in the investment of your account as directed.
(3) What responsibilities do employers have? Employers' responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
(a) Adhering to Plan 3 administrative requirements,
including the respective roles of employers and employees,
communicated to employers by the department in written materials
and formal training((.));
(b) Maintaining a supply of Plan 3 forms;
(c) ((Submitting contributions to the department as soon as
possible and at least in accordance with chapter 41.50 RCW;
(d))) Reporting an employee's Plan 3 transfer ((election))
decision as soon as possible after receipt of the appropriate
form from the employee;
(((e))) (d) Submitting to DRS the form on which the member
made ((their)) the Plan 3 transfer ((election)) decision as soon
as possible after receipt of the appropriate form;
(((f))) (e) Reporting an employee's contribution rate
((election)) decision as soon as possible after receipt of the
appropriate form from the employee;
(((g))) (f) Reporting an employee's investment program
((election)) as soon as possible after receipt of the appropriate
form from the employee; ((and
(h))) (g) Monitoring to ensure that a member's contributions
do not exceed Internal Revenue Code limits (see WAC 415-111-111);
(h) Submitting contributions to the department as soon as reasonable and at least in accordance with RCW 41.50.120, "reasonableness" will be based on the facts and circumstances.
Assume the following:
&sqbul; An employer has one payroll system;
&sqbul; Payroll checks are issued semimonthly;
&sqbul; At the same time checks are cut, the payroll department produces a data tape of employee contributions that has to be checked for accuracy, and checking the tape takes four days;
&sqbul; Once the accuracy of the data tape is confirmed, a check for the aggregate amount of employee contributions is sent by the employer to DRS; and
&sqbul; The entire process, from the cutting of payroll checks to the cutting of the aggregate employee contribution check takes eight days.
In this situation, eight days is a "reasonable" period of time.
(4) What can happen if my employer does not fulfill
((their)) its responsibilities?
(a) If your employer does not fulfill ((their)) its
responsibilities, the consequences may include, but are not
limited to:
(((a))) (i) Your employer may have to make your member
account whole;
(((b))) (ii) Your employer may be subject to penalties
assessed by the department; or
(((c))) (iii) Your employer may be subject to penalties
assessed by the Internal Revenue Service.
(b) If the department determines that an employer has erred in its administrative role, such that an employee incurs an investment loss, the department will determine the amount of loss and bill the employer.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 41.32, 41.34, 41.35, 41.50 RCW. 01-01-059, 415-111-110, filed 12/12/00, effective 1/12/01.]