WSR 01-11-162



[ Filed May 23, 2001, 11:39 a.m. ]

Subject of Possible Rule Making: Senior EMS instructors SEIs), local EMS/TC council responsibilities.

Statutes Authorizing the Agency to Adopt Rules on this Subject: RCW 18.73.081(f) Duties of secretary -- Minimum requirements to be prescribed, RCW 70.168.120 Local and regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils -- Power and duties.

Reasons Why Rules on this Subject may be Needed and What They Might Accomplish: (1) Constituents have recommended that a quality improvement approach be used in the development, recommendation and approval of senior EMS instructors (SEIs). A precise consistent method of approving instructors based on performance and evaluations needs to be established. It is deemed that the current approach under WAC 246-976-031 Senior EMS instructor (SEI), is an inconsistent method of determining quality instructors. Amendments could also potentially change language in WAC 246-976-970, Local emergency medical services and trauma care councils.

     (2) RCW 70.168.120 Local and regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils -- Power and duties, states "Local emergency medical services and trauma care councils shall review, evaluate, and provide recommendations to the regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils..." During the 2000 rule amendment of WAC 246-976-960 Regional emergency medical services and trauma care councils, the following language was inadvertently removed: "In areas where no local EMS/TC council exists, the regional EMS/TC council shall have all the authority, duties, and responsibilities of the local council, as described in WAC 246-976-970." This WAC language clarifies those responsibilities when no local council exists.

Other Federal and State Agencies that Regulate this Subject and the Process Coordinating the Rule with These Agencies: No other federal or state agency regulates this subject.

Process for Developing New Rule: Statutory and other EMS and trauma care committees, councils, personnel and constituents will participate in the drafting of the proposed rule changes through open public meetings and public workshops.

Interested parties can participate in the decision to adopt the new rule and formulation of the proposed rule before publication. Open public meetings and public workshops will be held throughout the state and the final draft of the proposed WAC amended language will be sent out to all affected and interested parties before the formal public hearing is held.

     Any questions or concerns regarding senior EMS instructors (SEIs) or local EMS/TC council responsibilities (WAC 246-976-031, 246-976-960, and 246-976-970) should contact Rick Buell, Education, Training and Regional Support Manager, Office of Emergency Medical and Trauma Prevention, P.O. Box 47853, Olympia, WA 98504-7853, e-mail, phone (800) 458-5281 (in state) or (360) 705-6720 or fax (360) 705-6706 or (360) 705-6708.

May 17, 2001

M. C. Selecky


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