WSR 01-05-141




[ Filed February 21, 2001, 11:58 a.m. ]

Original Notice.

Preproposal statement of inquiry was filed as WSR 01-02-081.

Title of Rule: WAC 232-28-276 2000-2001, 2001-02, 2002-03 Official hunting hours and small game seasons.

Purpose: To amend WAC 232-28-276 2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 Official hunting hours and small game seasons

Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 77.12.040.

Statute Being Implemented: RCW 77.12.040.

Summary: Amendments are proposed to small game seasons.

Reasons Supporting Proposal: Limiting most pheasant hunters at the Dungeness Recreation Area release site to "odd" or "even" weekend mornings maximizes recreational opportunity while helping ensure orderly and safe utilization of resources. Increases in fall turkey permits and permit areas maximize recreational opportunity while maintaining populations and helping address damage issues. Expansion of falconry seasons increases recreation opportunity and reduces situations in which falconers might accidentally take upland birds and forest grouse during August. Explicitly closing all mountain quail hunting in eastern Washington ensures maximum protection for a game species at low population level. Other changes update the WAC to match currently recognized scientific classification of wild animals and birds, and incorporate modernization of the agency's harvest reporting system (elimination of physical report cards). The housekeeping changes increase credibility and clarify regulations.

Name of Agency Personnel Responsible for Drafting and Implementation: Dave Brittell, Assistant Director, Wildlife Program, Olympia, (360) 902-2504; and Enforcement: Bruce Bjork, Assistant Director, Enforcement, Olympia, (360) 902-2932.

Name of Proponent: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, governmental.

Rule is not necessitated by federal law, federal or state court decision.

Explanation of Rule, its Purpose, and Anticipated Effects: Proposed changes will require pheasant hunters at Dungeness Recreation Area to choose to hunt either odd or even days during weekend mornings. The limitation only applies during 8:00-10:00 a.m., and does not apply to youth hunters, hunters ≥65 years old, or those hunting with three-day option permits. The purpose is to reduce hunter crowding at popular times. The effect will be to more evenly distribute hunters and increase their satisfaction.

Proposed changes would increase hunting opportunity for wild turkey during fall season by a total of 42%, by increasing permits on two permit areas and creating two additional permit areas. The purpose is to maximize recreational opportunity and help address damage concerns while maintaining populations. The effect will be increased permits (from 405 to 575), yielding greater hunting opportunity and small to moderate increases in turkey harvest.

The proposal will allow a longer season for falconers to pursue upland birds and forest grouse and eliminate the period where upland game seasons did not overlap. Further, possession limits are established that mirror limits allowed for migratory birds. Lastly, falconry mountain quail season in eastern Washington is explicitly closed. Purposes of changes are to afford falconers greater latitude while hunting in August, provide consistent regulations, and eliminate a potential loop-hole regarding take of mountain quail in eastern Washington. Anticipated effects include modest increases in recreation days for falconers.

September Canada goose seasons are extended in southwest Washington to control resident dark breasted Canada geese, which are complicating management in the November-January season (classed as duskys).

Other proposed changes will update the WAC to incorporate current scientific nomenclature for animals, clarify meaning of existing language, and reflect changes in harvest reporting associated with technological advances. The purpose of these changes is to reduce customer confusion and make regulations as simple and consistent as possible, while retaining a scientific approach and credibility. Anticipated effects include increased customer satisfaction and enhanced credibility.

Proposal Changes the Following Existing Rules: See above.

No small business economic impact statement has been prepared under chapter 19.85 RCW. This rule does not affect small business.

Section 201, chapter 403, Laws of 1995, does not apply to this rule adoption. This rule is not related to the hydraulics code.

Hearing Location: Ramada Inn, International Airport, 8909 Airport Road, Spokane, WA 99219, (509) 838-5211, on April 6-7, 2001, at 8:00 a.m.

Assistance for Persons with Disabilities: Contact Debbie Nelson by March 30, 2001, TDD (360) 902-2207, or (360) 902-2267.

Submit Written Comments to: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Dave Brittell, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091, fax (360) 902-2162, by March 30, 2001.

Date of Intended Adoption: April 6, 2001.

February 21, 2001

Evan Jacoby

Rules Coordinator

AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 00-50, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00)

WAC 232-28-276   2000-01, 2001-02, and 2002-03 Official hunting hours and small game seasons  



September 1, 2000 to January 31, 2001

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Fri. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 3 6:00 7:50 5:45 7:35
Mon. Sept. 4 - Sun. Sept. 10 6:05 7:40 5:55 7:25
Mon. Sept. 11 - Sun. Sept. 17 6:15 7:25 6:05 7:10
Mon. Sept. 18 - Sun. Sept. 24 6:25 7:10 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 25 - Sun. Oct. 1 6:35 6:55 6:20 6:45
Mon. Oct. 2 - Sun. Oct. 8 6:45 6:40 6:30 6:30
Mon. Oct. 9 - Sun. Oct. 15 6:55 6:25 6:40 6:15
Mon. Oct. 16 - Sun. Oct. 22 7:05 6:15 6:50 6:00
Mon. Oct. 23 - Sat. Oct. 28 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:50
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 29 6:20 5:00 6:05 4:45
Mon. Oct. 30 - Sun. Nov. 5 6:25 4:50 6:10 4:40
Mon. Nov. 6 - Sun. Nov. 12 6:35 4:40 6:25 4:30
Mon. Nov. 13 - Sun. Nov. 19 6:45 4:30 6:35 4:20
Mon. Nov. 20 - Sun. Nov. 26 6:55 4:25 6:45 4:15
Mon. Nov. 27 - Sun. Dec. 3 7:05 4:20 6:55 4:10
Mon. Dec. 4 - Sun. Dec. 10 7:15 4:20 7:00 4:05
Mon. Dec. 11 - Sun. Dec. 17 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 18 - Sun. Dec. 24 7:25 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 25 - Sun. Dec. 31 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:10
Mon. Jan. 1 - Sun. Jan. 7 7:30 4:30 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 8 - Sun. Jan. 14 7:25 4:40 7:15 4:30
Mon. Jan. 15 - Sun. Jan. 21 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Jan. 22 - Sun. Jan. 28 7:15 5:00 7:00 4:50
Mon. Jan. 29 - Wed. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 6:55 4:50

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


1) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
2) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west of U.S. Highway 101), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
3) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.



September 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sat. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 2 6:00 7:50 5:45 7:40
Mon. Sept. 3 - Sun. Sept. 9 6:05 7:40 5:50 7:30
Mon. Sept. 10 - Sun. Sept. 16 6:15 7:25 6:00 7:15
Mon. Sept. 17 - Sun. Sept. 23 6:20 7:10 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 24 - Sun. Sept. 30 6:30 6:55 6:20 6:45
Mon. Oct. 1 - Sun. Oct. 7 6:40 6:45 6:30 6:30
Mon. Oct. 8 - Sun. Oct. 14 6:50 6:30 6:40 6:15
Mon. Oct. 15 - Sun. Oct. 21 7:00 6:15 6:50 6:05
Mon. Oct. 22 - Sat. Oct. 27 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:50
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 28 6:15 5:00 6:05 4:45
Mon. Oct. 29 - Sun. Nov. 4 6:20 4:50 6:10 4:40
Mon. Nov. 5 - Sun. Nov. 11 6:35 4:40 6:20 4:30
Mon. Nov. 12 - Sun. Nov. 18 6:45 4:35 6:30 4:20
Mon. Nov. 19 - Sun. Nov. 25 6:55 4:25 6:45 4:15
Mon. Nov. 26 - Sun. Dec. 2 7:05 4:20 6:50 4:10
Mon. Dec. 3 - Sun. Dec. 9 7:10 4:20 7:00 4:05
Mon. Dec. 10 - Sun. Dec. 16 7:20 4:20 7:05 4:05
Mon. Dec. 17 - Sun. Dec. 23 7:25 4:20 7:10 4:05
Mon. Dec. 24 - Sun. Dec. 30 7:25 4:25 7:15 4:10
Mon. Dec. 31 - Sun. Jan. 6 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:20
Mon. Jan. 7 - Sun. Jan. 13 7:25 4:40 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 14 - Sun. Jan. 20 7:20 4:45 7:10 4:35
Mon. Jan. 21 - Sun. Jan. 27 7:15 4:55 7:05 4:45
Mon. Jan. 28 - Thur. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 7:00 4:55

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


1) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
2) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (((except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west of U.S. Highway 101))), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
3) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.



September 1, 2002 to January 31, 2003

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sun. Sept. 1 6:00 7:50 5:45 7:40
Mon. Sept. 2 - Sun. Sept. 8 6:00 7:45 5:45 7:30
Mon. Sept. 9 - Sun. Sept. 15 6:10 7:30 6:00 7:15
Mon. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 22 6:20 7:15 6:10 7:00
Mon. Sept. 23 - Sun. Sept. 29 6:30 7:00 6:20 6:45
Mon. Sept. 30 - Sun. Oct. 6 6:40 6:45 6:30 6:35
Mon. Oct. 7 - Sun. Oct. 13 6:50 6:30 6:40 6:20
Mon. Oct. 14 - Sun. Oct. 20 7:00 6:20 6:50 6:05
Mon. Oct. 21 - Sat. Oct. 26 7:10 6:05 7:00 5:55
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 27 6:15 5:00 6:00 4:50
Mon. Oct. 28 - Sun. Nov. 3 6:20 4:55 6:10 4:50
Mon. Nov. 4 - Sun. Nov. 10 6:30 4:45 6:20 4:30
Mon. Nov. 11 - Sun. Nov. 17 6:40 4:35 6:30 4:20
Mon. Nov. 18 - Sun. Nov. 24 6:50 4:25 6:40 4:15
Mon. Nov. 25 - Sun. Dec. 1 7:00 4:20 6:50 4:10
Mon. Dec. 2 - Sun. Dec. 8 7:10 4:20 7:00 4:10
Mon. Dec. 9 - Sun. Dec. 15 7:15 4:20 7:05 4:10
Mon. Dec. 16 - Sun. Dec. 22 7:20 4:20 7:10 4:10
Mon. Dec. 23 - Sun. Dec. 29 7:25 4:25 7:10 4:15
Mon. Dec. 30 - Sun. Jan. 5 7:25 4:30 7:15 4:15
Mon. Jan. 6 - Sun. Jan. 12 7:25 4:35 7:15 4:25
Mon. Jan. 13 - Sun. Jan. 19 7:20 4:45 7:10 4:35
Mon. Jan. 20 - Sun. Jan. 26 7:15 4:55 7:05 4:45
Mon. Jan. 27 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:05 7:00 4:55

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to sunset) for migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove, and band-tailed pigeon); upland birds (pheasant, quail, partridge); and turkey during established seasons.


1) Western Washington - Pheasant and quail hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in all areas.
2) Clark (except areas south of the Washougal River), Cowlitz, Grays Harbor (((except areas north of U.S. Highway 12 and west of U.S. Highway 101))), Pacific, and Wahkiakum counties - Goose hunting hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., except one-half hour before sunrise to sunset during the September goose season and 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the late goose season.
3) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.



September 1, 2000 to January 31, 2001

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Fri. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 3 6:00 8:20 5:45 8:05
Mon. Sept. 4 - Sun. Sept. 10 6:05 8:10 5:55 7:55
Mon. Sept. 11 - Sun. Sept. 17 6:15 7:55 6:05 7:40
Mon. Sept. 18 - Sun. Sept. 24 6:25 7:40 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 25 - Sun. Oct. 1 6:35 7:25 6:20 7:15
Mon. Oct. 2 - Sun. Oct. 8 6:45 7:10 6:30 7:00
Mon. Oct. 9 - Sun. Oct. 15 6:55 6:55 6:40 6:45
Mon. Oct. 16 - Sun. Oct. 22 7:05 6:45 6:50 6:30
Mon. Oct. 23 - Sat. Oct. 28 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:20
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 29 6:20 5:30 6:05 5:15
Mon. Oct. 30 - Sun. Nov. 5 6:25 5:20 6:10 5:10
Mon. Nov. 6 - Sun. Nov. 12 6:35 5:10 6:25 5:00
Mon. Nov. 13 - Sun. Nov. 19 6:45 5:00 6:35 4:50
Mon. Nov. 20 - Sun. Nov. 26 6:55 4:55 6:45 4:45
Mon. Nov. 27 - Sun. Dec. 3 7:05 4:50 6:55 4:40
Mon. Dec. 4 - Sun. Dec. 10 7:15 4:50 7:00 4:35
Mon. Dec. 11 - Sun. Dec. 17 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 18 - Sun. Dec. 24 7:25 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 25 - Sun. Dec. 31 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:40
Mon. Jan. 1 - Sun. Jan. 7 7:30 5:00 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 8 - Sun. Jan. 14 7:25 5:10 7:15 5:00
Mon. Jan. 15 - Sun. Jan. 21 7:20 5:20 7:10 5:10
Mon. Jan. 22 - Sun. Jan. 28 7:15 5:30 7:00 5:20
Mon. Jan. 29 - Wed. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 6:55 5:20

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


1) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
2) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.



September 1, 2001 to January 31, 2002

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sat. Sept. 1 - Sun. Sept. 2 6:00 8:20 5:45 8:10
Mon. Sept. 3 - Sun. Sept. 9 6:05 8:10 5:50 8:00
Mon. Sept. 10 - Sun. Sept. 16 6:15 7:55 6:00 7:45
Mon. Sept. 17 - Sun. Sept. 23 6:20 7:40 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 24 - Sun. Sept. 30 6:30 7:25 6:20 7:15
Mon. Oct. 1 - Sun. Oct. 7 6:40 7:15 6:30 7:00
Mon. Oct. 8 - Sun. Oct. 14 6:50 7:00 6:40 6:45
Mon. Oct. 15 - Sun. Oct. 21 7:00 6:45 6:50 6:35
Mon. Oct. 22 - Sat. Oct. 27 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:20
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 28 6:15 5:30 6:05 5:15
Mon. Oct. 29 - Sun. Nov. 4 6:20 5:20 6:10 5:10
Mon. Nov. 5 - Sun. Nov. 11 6:35 5:10 6:20 5:00
Mon. Nov. 12 - Sun. Nov. 18 6:45 5:05 6:30 4:50
Mon. Nov. 19 - Sun. Nov. 25 6:55 4:55 6:45 4:45
Mon. Nov. 26 - Sun. Dec. 2 7:05 4:50 6:50 4:40
Mon. Dec. 3 - Sun. Dec. 9 7:10 4:50 7:00 4:35
Mon. Dec. 10 - Sun. Dec. 16 7:20 4:50 7:05 4:35
Mon. Dec. 17 - Sun. Dec. 23 7:25 4:50 7:10 4:35
Mon. Dec. 24 - Sun. Dec. 30 7:25 4:55 7:15 4:40
Mon. Dec. 31 - Sun. Jan. 6 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:50
Mon. Jan. 7 - Sun. Jan. 13 7:25 5:10 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 14 - Sun. Jan. 20 7:20 5:15 7:10 5:05
Mon. Jan. 21 - Sun. Jan. 27 7:15 5:25 7:05 5:15
Mon. Jan. 28 - Thur. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 7:00 5:25

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


1) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
2) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.



September 1, 2002 to January 31, 2003

Western Washington


Eastern Washington


Dates (Inclusive) A.M. to P.M. A.M. to P.M.
Daylight Savings Time
Sun. Sept. 1 6:00 8:20 5:45 8:10
Mon. Sept. 2 - Sun. Sept. 8 6:00 8:15 5:45 8:00
Mon. Sept. 9 - Sun. Sept. 15 6:10 8:00 6:00 7:45
Mon. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 22 6:20 7:45 6:10 7:30
Mon. Sept. 23 - Sun. Sept. 29 6:30 7:30 6:20 7:15
Mon. Sept. 30 - Sun. Oct. 6 6:40 7:15 6:30 7:05
Mon. Oct. 7 - Sun. Oct. 13 6:50 7:00 6:40 6:50
Mon. Oct. 14 - Sun. Oct. 20 7:00 6:50 6:50 6:35
Mon. Oct. 21 - Sat. Oct. 26 7:10 6:35 7:00 6:25
Pacific Standard Time
Sun. Oct. 27 6:15 5:30 6:00 5:20
Mon. Oct. 28 - Sun. Nov. 3 6:20 5:25 6:10 5:20
Mon. Nov. 4 - Sun. Nov. 10 6:30 5:15 6:20 5:00
Mon. Nov. 11 - Sun. Nov. 17 6:40 5:05 6:30 4:50
Mon. Nov. 18 - Sun. Nov. 24 6:50 4:55 6:40 4:45
Mon. Nov. 25 - Sun. Dec. 1 7:00 4:50 6:50 4:40
Mon. Dec. 2 - Sun. Dec. 8 7:10 4:50 7:00 4:40
Mon. Dec. 9 - Sun. Dec. 15 7:15 4:50 7:05 4:40
Mon. Dec. 16 - Sun. Dec. 22 7:20 4:50 7:10 4:40
Mon. Dec. 23 - Sun. Dec. 29 7:25 4:55 7:10 4:45
Mon. Dec. 30 - Sun. Jan. 5 7:25 5:00 7:15 4:45
Mon. Jan. 6 - Sun. Jan. 12 7:25 5:05 7:15 4:55
Mon. Jan. 13 - Sun. Jan. 19 7:20 5:15 7:10 5:05
Mon. Jan. 20 - Sun. Jan. 26 7:15 5:25 7:05 5:15
Mon. Jan. 27 - Fri. Jan. 31 7:10 5:35 7:00 5:25

.* These are lawful hunting hours (one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset) for game animals and forest grouse (ruffed, blue, spruce) during established seasons.


1) Bobcat and raccoon are exempt from hunting hour restrictions during established bobcat and raccoon seasons except when that area is open to modern firearm hunting of deer or elk, hunting hours shall be one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.
2) Hunting hours for falconry seasons (except migratory game bird seasons) are exempt from these hunting hours, except on designated pheasant release sites.

Hound Hunting During Deer and Elk Hunting Seasons

It is unlawful to hunt any wildlife at night or wild animals with dogs (hounds) during the months of September, October, or November in any area open to a center-fire rifle deer or elk season. The use of hounds to hunt black bear, cougar, and bobcat is prohibited year around.


Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit

OPEN SEASON: State-wide

Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.


Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit

OPEN SEASON: State-wide, except CLOSED on Long Island within Willapa National Wildlife Refuge.

Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.


Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit

OPEN SEASON: State-wide, except CLOSED within the exterior boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, Wenatchee, and Gifford Pinchot National Forests and GMUs 407 and 410.

Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.


Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit

OPEN SEASON: State-wide, year around except CLOSED from September 15 to November 30 in the Pasayten Wilderness, GMUs 426 and 450, and those portions of GMUs 218, 245, and 448 within the external boundaries of the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Okanogan, and Wenatchee National Forests. However, coyote may only be killed and/or pursued with hounds during the following period: Sept. 5, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 4, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 3, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003; except coyote may be hunted year around with hounds in Grant, Adams, Benton, and Franklin counties.


Bag and Possession Limits: Three (3) grouse per day, with a total of nine (9) grouse in possession at any time; straight or mixed bag.

State-wide: Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2000; Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2001; Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2002.


Season closed state-wide.

Upland Birds

Eastern Washington

Ring-necked Pheasant

Bag and Possession Limits: Three (3) cock pheasants per day, with a total of fifteen (15) cock pheasants in possession at any time.

Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001; Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old.

Regular Season: Oct. 7-Dec. 31, 2000; Oct. 6-Dec. 31, 2001; Oct. 5-Dec. 31, 2002.

Chukar ((Partridge))

Bag and Possession Limits: Six (6) chukar per day, with a total of eighteen (18) chukar in possession at any time.

Regular Season: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan. 21, 2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.

Gray (Hungarian) Partridge

Bag and Possession Limits: Six (6) gray partridges per day, with a total of eighteen (18) gray partridges in possession at any time.

Regular Season: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan. 21, 2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.

Mountain Quail

Season closed throughout Eastern Washington.

((Valley and Bobwhite Quail)) California (valley) Quail and Bobwhite

Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) quail per day, with a total of thirty (30) quail in possession at any time, straight or mixed bag.

Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001; Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old.

Regular Season: Oct. 7, 2000-Jan. 15, 2001; Oct. 6, 2001-Jan. 21, 2002; Oct. 5, 2002-Jan. 20, 2003.

Yakama Indian Reservation: The 2000-01, 2001-02, 2002-03 Upland bird seasons within the Yakama Indian Reservation shall be the same as the season established by the Yakama Indian Nation.

Western Washington

Ring-necked Pheasant

Bag and Possession Limits: Two (2) pheasants of either sex per day, with a total of fifteen (15) pheasants in possession at any time.

Youth Season: Sept. 23 and 24, 2000; Sept. 22 and 23, 2001; Sept. 21 and 22, 2002. Open only to youth hunters accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old.

Hunters 65 years of age or older: Sept. 25-29, 2000; Sept. 24-28, 2001; Sept. 23-27, 2002.

Regular Season: Sept. 30-Nov. 30, 2000; Sept. 29-Nov. 30, 2001; Sept. 28-Nov. 30, 2002. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; except Dungeness Recreation site (Clallam County) starting Oct. 7, 2000; Oct. 6, 2001; Oct. 5, 2002.

A Western Washington Pheasant Permit is required to hunt pheasant in Western Washington, in addition to a current small game hunting license. Pheasant kills must be recorded. Upon taking a pheasant, the holder of a Western Washington Pheasant Permit must immediately enter on the corresponding space the date and location of kill.

There are three options available:

(1) Full Season Option: Allows the harvest of eight (8) pheasants.

(2) Youth Option: Allows the harvest of eight (8) pheasants by youth hunters.

(3) 3-Day Option: Allows the harvest of four (4) pheasants during three consecutive days.

Every person possessing a Western Washington Pheasant Permit must by December 31, return the permit to the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The number of permits purchased per year is not limited.

A hunter shall select one valid option at the time they purchase their Western Washington Pheasant Permit. It is unlawful to purchase an additional permit until the eight pheasant allowed on the current permit are taken.

Special Restriction: Western Washington pheasant hunters must choose to hunt on either odd-numbered or even-numbered weekend days from 8:00 - 10:00 a.m. at all units of Lake Terrell, Tennant Lake, Snoqualmie, Skagit, Skookumchuck, Dungeness Recreation Area, and Scatter Creek Wildlife Areas, and must indicate their choice on the Western Washington Pheasant Permit by choosing "odd" or "even." Hunters ((that)) who select the three day option, hunters 65 years of age or older, and youth hunters may hunt during either weekend day morning. Youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult at least 18 years old((. Adults)) who must have an appropriately marked pheasant permit if hunting.

Mountain Quail

Bag and Possession Limits: Two (2) mountain quail per day, with a total of four (4) mountain quail in possession at any time.

Oct. 7-Nov. 30, 2000; Oct. 6-Nov. 30, 2001; Oct. 5-Nov. 30, 2002.

((Valley and Bobwhite Quail)) California (valley) Quail and Bobwhite

Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) ((valley)) California (valley) quail or bobwhite ((quail)) per day, with a total of thirty (30) ((valley)) California (valley) quail or bobwhite ((quail)) in possession at any time, straight or mixed bag.

Oct. 7-Nov. 30, 2000; Oct. 6-Nov. 30, 2001; Oct. 5-Nov. 30, 2002.


Spring Season

Gobblers and Turkeys with Visible Beards Only.

State-wide: April 15-May 15, 2001; April 15-May 15, 2002; April 15-May 15, 2003.

Fall Season

Either Sex

Permit Only - Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, Klickitat, Skamania, Stevens, and Walla Walla counties, and GMU 133: Oct. 1-5, 2000; Oct. 1-5, 2001; Oct. 1-5, 2002.

Permit Area Number of Permits
Asotin, Columbia, Garfield, and Walla Walla counties 50
Klickitat and Skamania counties 75
Stevens County ((250)) 300
GMU 133 ((30)) 75
Ferry County 50
Pend Oreille County 25


Bag and Possession Limit: One (1) wild turkey per day, only two (2) may be killed in Eastern Washington per year, except only one (1) may be killed in Chelan, Kittitas, or Yakima counties; and one per year in Western Washington, except two ((turkeys)) (2) may be killed in Klickitat County. The season limit is three (3) birds per year.

Hunting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to sunset during spring and fall seasons.


1. Turkey season is open for shotgun and bow-and-arrow hunting only.
2. A turkey tag is required for hunting turkey.
3. Each successful hunter must ((complete and return a game harvest report card)) report harvest to the Department of Fish and Wildlife within ten days after taking a turkey.
4. It is unlawful to use dogs to hunt turkeys.
5. It is unlawful to bait game birds.


Wild upland game birds may be pursued during the dog training season, but may not be killed except during established hunting seasons. Captive raised game birds may be released and killed during dog training if proof of lawful acquisition (invoices) are in possession and the birds are appropriately marked (WAC 232-12-271) (WAC 232-12-044).

Aug. 1, 2000-Mar. 31, 2001; Aug. 1, 2001-Mar. 31, 2002; Aug. 1, 2002-Mar. 31, 2003, except from Sept. 15-Nov. 30, dog training is only allowed from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on designated Western Washington pheasant release sites.

Dog training may be conducted year around on posted portions of: Region One - Espanola (T 24 N, R 40 E, E 1/2 of Sec. 16); Region Three - South L.T. Murray Wildlife Area; Region Four - Fort Lewis Military Base, Skagit Wildlife Area, Lake Terrell Wildlife Area, and Snoqualmie Wildlife Area; Region Five - Shillapoo/Vancouver Lake Wildlife Area; Region Six - Scatter Creek Wildlife Area.


All hunters age 16 and over of migratory game birds (duck, goose, coot, snipe, mourning dove) are required to complete a Harvest Information Program (HIP) survey ((form)) at a license dealer, and possess a Washington Migratory Bird Validation ((Stamp)) as evidence of compliance with this requirement when hunting migratory game birds. Youth hunters are required to complete a HIP survey ((form)), and possess a free Washington Youth Migratory Bird ((Authorization)) validation as evidence of compliance with this requirement when hunting migratory game birds.


Bag and Possession Limits: Western Washington, except Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties and that part of Clark County north of the Washougal River. Goose Management Areas 1 and 3: Five (5) Canada geese per day with a total of ten (10) in possession at any time. Remainder of the state: Three (3) Canada geese per day with a total of six (6) in possession at any time.

State-wide: Sept. 9-14, 2000; Sept. 8-13, 2001; Sept. 7-12, 2002. EXCEPT Pacific and Grays Harbor counties: Sept. 1-15, 2001; Sept. 1-15, 2002.


Closed season state-wide.


Bag and Possession Limits: Ten (10) mourning doves per day with a total of twenty (20) mourning doves in possession at any time.

State-wide: Sept. 1-15, 2000; Sept. 1-15, 2001; Sept. 1-15, 2002.


Bag and Possession Limits: Five (5) ((rabbits)) cottontails or snowshoe hares per day, with a total of fifteen (15) in possession at any time, straight or mixed bag.

State-wide: Sept. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Sept. 1, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Sept. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.


Closed season state-wide.


Bag and Possession Limits: No Limit

State-wide: Oct. 1, 2000-Jan. 31, 2001; Oct. 1, 2001-Jan. 31, 2002; Oct. 1, 2002-Jan. 31, 2003.


Upland Game Bird and Forest Grouse - Falconry

Daily Bag: Two (2) pheasants (either sex), six (6) partridge, five (5) California (valley) quail or bobwhite, two (2) mountain quail (in western Washington only), and three (3) forest grouse (blue, ruffed, spruce) per day.

Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

State-wide: Sept. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; ((Sept.)) Aug. 1, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; ((Sept.)) Aug. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003.

Mourning Dove - Falconry

Daily Bag: Three (3) mourning doves per day straight bag or mixed bag with snipe, coots, ducks, and geese during established seasons.

Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

State-wide: Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2000; Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2001; Sept. 1-15 and Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2002.

Cottontail and Snowshoe Hare - Falconry

Daily Bag: Five (5) ((rabbits)) cottontails or snowshoe hares per day, straight or mixed bag.

Possession limit is twice the daily bag limit.

State-wide: Aug. 1, 2000-Mar. 15, 2001; Aug. 1, 2001-Mar. 15, 2002; Aug. 1, 2002-Mar. 15, 2003; for cottontail and snowshoe hare (or Washington hare).

[Statutory Authority: RCW 77.12.040, 77.12.010, 77.12.020, 77.12.770, 77.12.780. 00-11-137 (Order 00-50), 232-28-276, filed 5/23/00, effective 6/23/00.]

Reviser's note: RCW 34.05.395 requires the use of underlining and deletion marks to indicate amendments to existing rules. The rule published above varies from its predecessor in certain respects not indicated by the use of these markings.

Reviser's note: The typographical errors in the above section occurred in the copy filed by the agency and appear in the Register pursuant to the requirements of RCW 34.08.040.

Washington State Code Reviser's Office