Date of Adoption: April 30, 1999.
Purpose: Amend small scale mining rules.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Amending WAC 220-110-204 and 220-110-205.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: RCW 75.20.330.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 99-05-023 on February 9, 1999.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 2, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0. Effective Date of Rule: Thirty-one days after filing.
April 30, 1999
Larry W. Peck
for Jeff Koenings
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order 98-252, filed 12/16/98, effective 1/16/99)
WAC 220-110-204
Use of Class II mineral prospecting equipment.
A copy of the current Gold and Fish pamphlet available from the department shall serve as an HPA, unless otherwise indicated, and be on the job site at all times. Mineral prospecting and placer mining projects authorized through a written HPA may incorporate additional mitigation measures as necessary to achieve no-net-loss of productive capacity of fish and shellfish habitat. Project activities may be prohibited where project impacts adversely affect fish habitats for which no proven mitigation methods are available. The following technical provisions shall apply to all Class II mineral prospecting and placer mining projects:
(1) The common technical provisions as specified in WAC 220-110-201 and the timing and location restrictions as specified in WAC 220-110-206 through 220-110-207 shall apply to all mineral prospecting and placer mining projects conducted with Class II equipment.
(2) With the exception of the use of one hand-held pan, the use of only Class II mineral prospecting equipment is authorized. In addition to the use of a hand-held pan, no more than one piece of mineral prospecting equipment shall be operated by an individual at any one time and location.
(3) Only one piece of Class II equipment shall be operated at any time at any excavation site.
(4) Collection of aggregate shall be limited to the bed.
(5) A nozzle greater than four inches inside diameter shall be used on a suction dredge only if a reducer or smaller diameter hose is attached to restrict the inside diameter to four inches or less.
(6) Any device used for diverting or pumping water from a fish-bearing stream shall be equipped with a fish guard to prevent passage of fish into the diversion device pursuant to RCW 75.20.040 and 77.16.220. To prevent fish from entering the system the pump intake shall be screened with either:
(a) ((Six one-thousandths inch (eighteen gauge) woven wire mesh with openings no
greater than eighty-seven one-thousandths inches (six to fourteen mesh); or
(b) Perforated plate with openings no greater than ninety-four one-thousandths inch (three
thirty-second inch); or
(c) Profile bar with openings no greater than one and seventy-five one-thousandths
millimeter (sixty-nine one-hundredths inch).)) 0.06 inch (eighteen gauge) woven wire mesh with
openings no greater than 0.087 inches; or
(b) Perforated plate with openings no greater than 0.094 inch (3/32 inch); or
(c) Profile bar with openings no greater than 1.75 millimeter (0.069 inch).
The screened intake shall consist of a facility with enough surface area to ensure that the velocity through the screen is less than four-tenths feet per second, but in no case shall the surface area be less than one square foot. Screens shall be maintained to prevent injury or entrapment to juvenile fish and screens shall remain in place whenever water is withdrawn from the stream through the pump intake.
(7) There shall be no hydraulicing outside of the wetted perimeter. Hydraulicing may be conducted only for redistribution of tailings within the bed to level or fill pits, potholes or furrows, and the nozzle or jet shall be submerged at all times.
(8) Petroleum products or other harmful materials shall not enter waters of the state. Equipment shall be well maintained and inspected frequently to prevent fuel and fluid leaks.
(9) Water shall be pumped only from a water body to a suction dredge operated within the wetted perimeter or to a highbanker located below the ordinary high water line.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080, 75.20.100 and 75.20.330. 99-01-088 (Order 98-252), § 220-110-204, filed 12/16/98, effective 1/16/99.]
A copy of the current Gold and Fish pamphlet available from the department shall serve as an HPA, unless otherwise indicated, and be on the job site at all times. Mineral prospecting and placer mining projects authorized through a written HPA may incorporate additional mitigation measures as necessary to achieve no-net-loss of productive capacity of fish and shellfish habitat. Project activities may be prohibited where project impacts adversely affect fish habitats for which no proven mitigation methods are available. The following technical provisions shall apply to all Class III mineral prospecting and placer mining projects:
(1) The common technical provisions as specified in WAC 220-110-201 and the timing and location restrictions as specified in WAC 220-110-208 shall apply to all mineral prospecting projects conducted with Class III equipment.
(2) With the exception of the use of one hand-held pan, the use of only Class III mineral prospecting equipment is authorized. In addition to the use of a hand-held pan, no more than one piece of mineral prospecting equipment shall be operated by an individual at any one time and location.
(3) Aggregate shall be collected and processed two hundred feet or greater landward of the ordinary high water line.
(4) There shall be no motorized movement of bed materials.
(5) The pump intake shall be placed in the water without moving or relocating any material in or on the bed or banks.
(6) Any device used for diverting or pumping water from a fish-bearing stream shall be equipped with a fish guard to prevent passage of fish into the diversion device pursuant to RCW 75.20.040 and 77.16.220. To prevent fish from entering the system the pump intake shall be screened with either:
(a) ((Six one-thousandths inch (eighteen gauge) woven wire mesh with openings no
greater than eighty-seven one-thousandths inches (six to fourteen mesh); or
(b) Perforated plate with openings no greater than ninety-four one-thousandths inch (three
thirty-second inch); or
(c) Profile bar with openings no greater than one and seventy-five one-thousandths
millimeter (sixty-nine one-hundredths inch).)) 0.06 inch (eighteen gauge) woven wire mesh with
openings no greater than 0.087 inches; or
(b) Perforated plate with openings no greater than 0.094 inch (3/32 inch); or
(c) Profile bar with openings no greater than 1.75 millimeter (0.069 inch).
The screened intake shall consist of a facility with enough surface area to ensure that the velocity through the screen is less than four-tenths feet per second, but in no case shall the surface area be less than one square foot. Screens shall be maintained to prevent injury or entrapment to juvenile fish and screens shall remain in place whenever water is withdrawn from the stream through the pump intake.
(7) Petroleum products or other harmful materials shall not enter waters of the state. Equipment shall be well maintained and inspected frequently to prevent fuel and fluid leaks.
(8) There shall be no hydraulicing.
(9) Settleable solids shall be removed from wastewater prior to the water reentering waters of the state. Sediments resulting from collection or processing of aggregate shall be deposited so they will not enter waters of the state.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 75.08.080, 75.20.100 and 75.20.330. 99-01-088 (Order 98-252), § 220-110-205, filed 12/16/98, effective 1/16/99.]