(Uniform Commercial Code)
Date of Adoption: February 18, 1999.
Purpose: Amend rules to include fee increases, set fees in rule, clarify rule language, and repeal unnecessary rules.
Citation of Existing Rules Affected by this Order: Repealing WAC 308-400-050, 308-400-054, 308-400-070 and 308-410-050; and amending WAC 308-400-030, 308-400-053, 308-400-058, 308-400-059, 308-400-062, 308-400-095, 308-400-120, and 308-410-070.
Statutory Authority for Adoption: Chapters 62A.9, 60.11, 60.13, and 60.68 RCW.
Adopted under notice filed as WSR 98-23-074 on November 17, 1998.
Changes Other than Editing from Proposed to Adopted Version: Fee changes to WAC 308-400-095, subsections (2), change from seventeen dollars and seventy-one cents to seventeen dollars and seventy cents; subsection (5), change from five dollars to two dollars; and subsection (6), change from two dollars to one dollar.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Comply with Federal Statute: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Federal Rules or Standards: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Recently Enacted State Statutes: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted at Request of a Nongovernmental Entity: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0.
Number of Sections Adopted on the Agency's Own Initiative: New 0, Amended 8, Repealed 4.
Number of Sections Adopted in Order to Clarify, Streamline, or Reform Agency Procedures: New 0, Amended 8, Repealed 4.
Number of Sections Adopted Using Negotiated Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; Pilot Rule Making: New 0, Amended 0, Repealed 0; or Other Alternative Rule Making: New 0, Amended 8, Repealed 4. Effective Date of Rule: April 1, 1999.
February 17, 1999
Alan E. Rathbun
BPD Assistant Director
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order BLS 130, filed 3/1/89)
WAC 308-400-030
As used in this regulation: "Filing officer" means the director of the department of licensing or the county auditor or any person commissioned by them to act on their behalf in a Uniform Commercial Code or crop lien or processor or preparer filing procedure.
"Person" includes groups of persons, corporations, cooperatives, business trusts and all other entities capable of holding title to property.
"Filings" includes all financing statements and related documents, or documents submitted to a filing officer in lieu of financing statements under Title 62A RCW and chapters 60.11, 60.13, and 60.68 RCW.
"Claimant" means a person who claims or asserts a right, demand, or claim.
"Secured" means supported or backed by security or collateral.
(("Standard filing forms" mean the filing forms approved by the department of
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and chapter 60.68 RCW as amended by 1988 c 73. 89-06-078 (Order BLS 130), § 308-400-030, filed 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-408(1) and 60.11.040(3). 86-24-055 (Order BLS 105), § 308-400-030, filed 12/2/86, effective 1/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409(1). 82-05-014 (Order 659-DOL), § 308-400-030, filed 2/9/82. Formerly WAC 434-16-030.]
(1) The department of licensing, Uniform Commercial Code section, does not, by accepting or rejecting a document submitted for filing, determine the legal validity of the document.
(2) When proper filing fees are submitted, the filing officer will accept for filing, documents that meet the basic filing requirements described by statute.
(3) The filing officer will return, without filing, any continuation that is received after the
expiration of the original financing statement. ((No exception will be made for continuation
statements which are received following a weekend or holiday during which the original
statement or previous continuation statement expired.)) Documents must be received on the
business day immediately following a Sunday or holiday.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-408(1) and 60.11.040(3). 86-24-055 (Order BLS 105), § 308-400-053, filed 12/2/86, effective 1/1/87.]
(1) A financing statement must be signed by each person listed by name as the debtor.
(2) If a financing statement or filing form lists collateral clearly identified to multiple secured parties, either on the original financing statement or by partial assignment, individual secured parties may terminate their clearly identified security interest(s) without the signature(s) of the remaining secured parties.
(3) ((All required signatures on UCC-3 actions must be original.
(4))) When a filing form is signed by someone in a representative capacity, the signer
must be identified as the representative.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and chapter 60.68 RCW as amended by 1988 c 73. 89-06-078 (Order BLS 130), § 308-400-058, filed 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-408(1) and 60.11.040(3). 86-24-055 (Order BLS 105), § 308-400-058, filed 12/2/86, effective 1/1/87. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409(1). 82-13-030 (Order 674-DOL), § 308-400-058, filed 6/9/82.]
(1) A "termination statement" is used to terminate a security interest under a financing statement (RCW 62A.9-404). A "statement of discharge" is used to discharge a processor or preparer lien which has been filed with a filing officer (RCW 60.13.060). A "lien termination statement" is used for terminating a crop lien pursuant to chapter 60.11 RCW.
(2) For a security interest under a financing statement, whenever there is no outstanding secured obligation and no commitment to make advances, incur obligations or otherwise give value, a secured party must on written demand by the debtor send the debtor, for each filing officer with whom the financing statement was filed, a properly signed termination statement to the effect that he no longer claims a security interest under the financing statement, which shall be identified by file number. A secured party's failure to file such a termination statement or to send such a termination statement within ten days after proper demand therefor, the secured party shall be liable to the debtor for one hundred dollars plus any damages caused to the debtor by such failure.
(3) For a processor or preparer lien which has been filed with the filing officer, if the producer has received full payment for the obligation, the producer shall promptly file with the filing officer a statement declaring that full payment has been received and that the lien is discharged. If, after payment, the producer fails to file such statement of discharge within ten days following a request to do so, the producer shall be liable to the processor, conditioner or preparer in the sum of one hundred dollars plus actual damages caused by the failure.
(4) For a crop lien, the lienholder shall file with the filing officer a lien termination statement within fifteen days following receipt of full payment of the amount of the lien. Failure to file a lien termination statement by the lienholder or its assignee shall cause the lienholder or its assignee to be liable to the debtor for the attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the debtor to have the lien terminated plus damages incurred by the debtor due to the failure of the lienholder to terminate the lien.
(5) Failure to file a statement of discharge or a lien termination statement with the department of licensing may result in retention of filings records beyond the duration of the secured interest or the lien.
(6) Certificate of release of notice of federal lien. Federal certificates of release shall be filed in accordance with provisions of the Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act, chapter 60.68 RCW.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and chapter 60.68 RCW as amended by 1988 c 73. 89-06-078 (Order BLS 130), § 308-400-059, filed 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-408(1) and 60.11.040(3). 86-24-055 (Order BLS 105), § 308-400-059, filed 12/2/86, effective 1/1/87.]
The department will reject any UCC-3
change statement where incompatible actions, such as simultaneous release and termination, are
requested on the same statement. ((The parties may not submit a corrected UCC-3 statement,
but must submit a new signed UCC-3 statement indicating the desired action to be taken.))
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409(1). 82-13-030 (Order 674-DOL), § 308-400-062, filed 6/9/82.]
(1) Beginning July 1, 1993, a fee of twelve dollars and fifty cents shall be charged for filing and indexing each of the following types of statements:
(a) Original financing statement pursuant to RCW 62A.9-403;
(b) Deed of trust or mortgage pursuant to RCW 62A.9-302;
(c) Continuation statement pursuant to RCW 62A.9-403;
(d) Separate statement of assignment pursuant to RCW 62A.9-405;
(e) Statement of partial release pursuant to RCW 62A.9-406;
(f) Statement of amendment pursuant to RCW 62A.9-402;
(g) Processor or preparer lien pursuant to chapter 60.13 RCW;
(h) Crop lien pursuant to chapter 60.11 RCW;
(i) Notice of federal tax lien pursuant to chapter 60.68 RCW.
(2) A fee of seventeen dollars and seventy cents shall be charged for a certificate of information pursuant to RCW 62A.9-407.
(3) A fee of ((twenty-four)) twenty-five dollars shall be charged for certificate of
information and copies of any filed financing and related statements naming a particular debtor.
(4) An additional fee (((as specified by contractual agreement between the purchaser and
the department))) shall be charged for each page transmitted to the purchaser by facsimile. The
fee amount shall be one dollar per page for the first five pages, and fifty cents per page for the
sixth page and subsequent pages.
(5) A fee of two dollars shall be charged for each debtor name look up.
(6) A fee of one dollar shall be charged for each computer printout of filing information.
(7) A fee of two dollars shall be charged for each microfilm copy.
(8) A fee of two dollars shall be charged for the certification of each document copy.
(9) Data base information shall be made available on magnetic tape and microfilm pursuant to contract between the department and purchaser. Costs will be specified in the contract.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.24.086, 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and 60.68.035. 93-01-061, § 308-400-095, filed 12/11/92, effective 7/1/93. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409(1) and 36.18.010. 90-04-050, § 308-400-095, filed 2/1/90, effective 3/4/90. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409(1), 60.11.040(3), 60.13.040 (2)(f), 60.68.035(2) and 34.05.220. 89-24-022, § 308-400-095, filed 11/30/89, effective 12/31/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and chapter 60.68 RCW as amended by 1988 c 73. 89-06-078 (Order BLS 130), § 308-400-095, filed 3/1/89. Statutory Authority: RCW 60.11.040, 62A.9-409 as amended by 1987 c 189 § 6, RCW 60.13.040 as amended by 1987 c 189 § 7 and 1987 c 148 § 3. 87-16-059 (Order BLS 115), § 308-400-095, filed 7/30/87.]
The filing fees and procedures for filing information with and obtaining information from the department of licensing pertaining to notice of federal liens pursuant to chapter 60.68 RCW shall correspond to the filing fees and procedures prescribed by the department of licensing pursuant to Article 62A.9 RCW. The filing forms shall be those forms approved between the department of licensing and the Internal Revenue Service.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040, 60.13.040 and chapter 60.68 RCW as amended by 1988 c 73. 89-06-078 (Order BLS 130), § 308-400-120, filed 3/1/89.]
The following sections of the Washington Administrative Code are repealed:
WAC 308-400-050 | Official approval of standard forms. |
WAC 308-400-054 | Power of attorney. |
WAC 308-400-070 | Request for certificate of information. |
AMENDATORY SECTION(Amending Order BLS 115, filed 1/19/88)
WAC 308-410-070
The fees for use of the Uniform Commercial Code field
access system shall be based on ((the established)) a preestablished rate per hour for use of
mainframe computer time. ((The fee for access to the Uniform Commercial Code field access
system shall be based on the prevailing rate for surface transmission telephone line use.)) The
specific fees for access and use shall be contained in the user contract.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 62A.9-409, 60.11.040(3) and 60.13.040, as amended by 1987 c 189 § 7. 88-03-037 (Order BLS 115), § 308-410-070, filed 1/19/88.]
The following section of the Washington Administrative Code is repealed:
WAC 308-410-050 | Standard for allocating users. |