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Search Results - 2007-08

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Search Term: gambling 
Biennium: 2007-08
Results: 1 to 18 of 18

HB 1218 Modifying gambling commission powers and duties to temporarily issue, suspend, and renew licenses.
HB 1243 Providing an affirmative defense to unlawful internet gambling if the defendant committed the offense in his or her primary residence.
HB 1345 Prohibiting minors from participating in gambling activities.
SHB 1346 Allowing the exclusion of certain people from licensed gambling premises.
HB 1449 Regarding nondisclosure of certain information of gambling commission licensees.
HB 2127 Reducing the penalty for a person conducting unlawful internet gambling in his or her primary residence for recreational purposes to a misdemeanor.
HB 2320 Reducing the penalty for a person conducting unlawful internet gambling in his or her primary residence for recreational purposes.
SHB 2320 Reducing the penalty for a person conducting unlawful internet gambling in his or her primary residence for recreational purposes.
HB 2749 Providing that the gambling revolving fund retain its investment earnings.
HB 2862 Regarding Washington state gambling commission revenue actions.
SB 5374 Allowing the exclusion of certain people from licensed gambling premises.
SSB 5374 Allowing the exclusion of certain people from licensed gambling premises.
SB 5375 Prohibiting minors from participating in gambling activities.
SB 5376 Modifying gambling commission powers and duties to temporarily issue, suspend, and renew licenses.
ESB 5927 Regarding nondisclosure of certain information of gambling commission licensees. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Regarding nondisclosure of certain information of gambling commission licensees and tribes with approved gaming compacts. )
SSB 6316 Providing that the gambling revolving fund retain its investment earnings.
SB 6441 Regarding Washington state gambling commission revenue actions.
SB 6597 Increasing the minimum age for gambling.