Chapter 9.68.090 RCW Dispositions



9.68.010  Obscene literature, shows, etc. — Exception.
[1969 c 92 § 1; 1961 c 146 § 1; 1959 c 260 § 1; 1909 c 249 § 207; 1891 c 69 § 24; 1886 p 122 § 1; Code 1881 § 850; 1873 p 210 § 130; 1869 p 226 § 124; 1854 p 96 § 118; RRS § 2459.]
Repealed by 1982 c 184 § 11.

9.68.020  Prohibited publications.
[1909 c 249 § 209; RRS § 2461.]
Repealed by 1982 c 184 § 11.

9.68.040  Using indecent or vulgar language, etc.
[1909 ex.s. c 23 § 1; RRS § 2721 1/2.]
Repealed by 1972 ex.s. c 122 § 26, effective January 1, 1975.

9.68.060  "Erotic material"—Determination by court—Labeling—Penalties.
[2011 c 96 § 8; 2003 c 53 § 41; 1992 c 5 § 2; 1969 ex.s. c 256 § 14.] Repealed by 2024 c 232 s 6.

9.68.070  Prosecution for violation of RCW 9.68.060—Defense.
[2011 c 336 § 318; 1992 c 5 § 4; 1969 ex.s. c 256 § 15.] Repealed by 2024 c 232 s 6.

9.68.090  Civil liability of wholesaler or wholesaler-distributor.
[2011 c 336 § 320; 1992 c 5 § 3; 1969 ex.s. c 256 § 17.] Repealed by 2024 c 232 s 6.

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