18.155.060  <<  18.155.070 >>   18.155.075


The department shall issue a certificate to any applicant who meets the following requirements:
(1) Successful completion of an educational program approved by the secretary or successful completion of alternate training which meets the criteria of the secretary;
(2) Successful completion of any experience requirement established by the secretary;
(3) Successful completion of an examination administered or approved by the secretary;
(4) Not having engaged in unprofessional conduct or being unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety as a result of a physical or mental impairment;
(5) Not convicted of a sex offense, as defined in RCW 9.94A.030 or convicted in any other jurisdiction of an offense that under the laws of this state would be classified as a sex offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030; and
(6) Other requirements as may be established by the secretary that impact the competence of the sex offender treatment provider.
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