Chapter 25.10.920 RCW Dispositions






25.10.005  Periodic reports required — Contents — Due dates — Rules.
[1998 c 277 § 5.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.010  Definitions.
[2002 c 296 § 2; 1987 c 55 § 1; 1982 c 35 § 177; 1981 c 51 § 1.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.020  Name.
[1998 c 102 § 8; 1996 c 76 § 1; 1994 c 211 § 1309; 1991 c 269 § 1; (1991 c 72 § 47 repealed by 1991 sp.s. c 11 § 2); 1987 c 55 § 2; 1981 c 51 § 2.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.030  Reservation of name.
[1991 c 269 § 2; 1981 c 51 § 3.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.040  Registered office and agent.
[2009 c 202 § 4; 1987 c 55 § 3; 1981 c 51 § 4.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010; and subsequently repealed by 2015 c 176 § 6131, effective January 1, 2016.

25.10.050  Records to be kept.
[1987 c 55 § 4; 1981 c 51 § 5.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.060  Nature of business.
[1981 c 51 § 6.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.070  Business transactions of partner with the partnership.
[1981 c 51 § 7.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.075  Indemnification of agents of any corporation authorized.

Cross-reference section, decodified effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.079  Notice of continued activity — Administrative activity — Limited application.
[1998 c 277 § 2.]
Expired January 1, 2006, pursuant to 1998 c 277 § 6.




25.10.080  Certificate of limited partnership.
[2000 c 169 § 5; 1987 c 55 § 5; 1981 c 51 § 8.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.090  Amendment to certificate — Restatement of certificate.
[1987 c 55 § 6; 1981 c 51 § 9.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.100  Cancellation of certificate.
[1991 c 269 § 3; 1987 c 55 § 7; 1981 c 51 § 10.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.110  Execution of documents.
[1991 c 269 § 4; 1987 c 55 § 8; 1981 c 51 § 11.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.120  Execution of certificate by judicial act.
[1987 c 55 § 9; 1981 c 51 § 12.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.130  Filing in office of secretary of state.
[1991 c 269 § 5; 1987 c 55 § 10; 1982 c 35 § 178; 1981 c 51 § 13.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.140  Liability for false statement in certificate.
[1991 c 269 § 6; 1987 c 55 § 11; 1981 c 51 § 14.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.150  Notice.
[1987 c 55 § 12; 1981 c 51 § 15.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.160  Delivery of certificates to limited partners.
[1991 c 269 § 7; 1987 c 55 § 13; 1981 c 51 § 16.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.170  Admission of limited partners.
[1987 c 55 § 14; 1981 c 51 § 17.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.171  Standards for electronic filing rules.
[2009 c 188 § 119.]
Repealed by 2015 c 176 § 6131, effective January 1, 2016.

25.10.180  Voting.
[1981 c 51 § 18.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.190  Liability to third parties.
[1987 c 55 § 15; 1981 c 51 § 19.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.200  Person erroneously believing that he or she is limited partner.
[1987 c 55 § 16; 1983 c 302 § 1; 1981 c 51 § 20.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.210  Information.
[1991 c 269 § 10; 1987 c 55 § 17; 1981 c 51 § 21.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.220  Admission of additional general partners.
[2000 c 169 § 6; 1981 c 51 § 22.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.230  Events of withdrawal of general partner.
[2000 c 169 § 7; 1987 c 55 § 18; 1981 c 51 § 23.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.240  General powers and liabilities of general partner.
[1987 c 55 § 19; 1983 c 302 § 2; 1981 c 51 § 24.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.250  Contributions by a general partner.
[1987 c 55 § 20; 1981 c 51 § 25.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.260  Voting.
[1981 c 51 § 26.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.270  Form of contribution.
[1981 c 51 § 27.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.280  Liability for contributions.
[1987 c 55 § 21; 1981 c 51 § 28.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.290  Sharing of profits and losses.
[1987 c 55 § 22; 1981 c 51 § 29.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.300  Sharing of distributions.
[1987 c 55 § 23; 1981 c 51 § 30.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.310  Interim distributions.
[1987 c 55 § 24; 1982 c 35 § 179; 1981 c 51 § 31.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.320  Withdrawal of general partner.
[1981 c 51 § 32.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.330  Withdrawal of limited partner.
[1996 c 76 § 2; 1987 c 55 § 25; 1981 c 51 § 33.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.340  Distribution upon withdrawal.
[1987 c 55 § 26; 1981 c 51 § 34.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.350  Distribution in kind.
[1987 c 55 § 27; 1981 c 51 § 35.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.360  Right to distribution.
[1981 c 51 § 36.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.370  Limitations on distributions.
[1991 c 269 § 29; 1987 c 55 § 28; 1981 c 51 § 37.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.380  Liability upon return of contribution.
[1987 c 55 § 29; 1981 c 51 § 38.]
Repealed by 1991 c 269 § 34.




25.10.390  Nature of partnership interest.
[1981 c 51 § 39.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.400  Assignment of partnership interest — Certificate of partnership interest.
[1987 c 55 § 30; 1981 c 51 § 40.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.410  Rights of creditor.
[1981 c 51 § 41.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.420  Right of assignee to become limited partner.
[1987 c 55 § 31; 1981 c 51 § 42.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.430  Power of estate of deceased or incompetent partner.
[1981 c 51 § 43.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.440  Nonjudicial dissolution.
[2000 c 169 § 8; 1996 c 76 § 3; 1991 c 269 § 30; 1987 c 55 § 32; 1981 c 51 § 44.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.450  Judicial dissolution.
[1981 c 51 § 45.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.453  Administrative dissolution — Commencement of proceeding.
[1998 c 277 § 3; 1991 c 269 § 31.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.455  Administrative dissolution — Notice — Opportunity to correct deficiencies.
[1991 c 269 § 32.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.457  Administrative dissolution — Reinstatement — Application — When effective.
[1991 c 269 § 33.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.460  Winding up.
[1981 c 51 § 46.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.470  Distribution of assets.
[1981 c 51 § 47.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.480  Law governing.
[1981 c 51 § 48.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.490  Registration.
[1987 c 55 § 33; 1981 c 51 § 49.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.500  Issuance of registration.
[1981 c 51 § 50.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.510  Name — Foreign limited partnership.
[1987 c 55 § 34; 1981 c 51 § 51.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.520  Changes and amendments.
[1981 c 51 § 52.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.530  Cancellation of registration.
[1981 c 51 § 53.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.540  Transaction of business without registration.
[1981 c 51 § 54.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.550  Action by secretary of state.
[1981 c 51 § 55.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.553  Revocation of registration — Commencement of proceeding.
[1998 c 277 § 4; 1991 c 269 § 43.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.555  Revocation of registration — Notice — Opportunity to correct deficiencies.
[1991 c 269 § 44.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.560  Right of action.
[1981 c 51 § 56.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.570  Proper plaintiff.
[1981 c 51 § 57.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.580  Pleading.
[1981 c 51 § 58.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.590  Expenses.
[1981 c 51 § 59.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.600  Establishment of filing fees and miscellaneous charges.
[1991 c 269 § 12; 1991 c 72 § 48; 1987 c 55 § 35; 1981 c 51 § 60.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.605  Fees for services by secretary of state.

Cross-reference section, decodified effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.610  Authority to adopt rules.
[1981 c 51 § 61.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.620  Construction and application.
[1981 c 51 § 62.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.630  Short title.
[1981 c 51 § 63.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.640  Severability — 1981 c 51.
[1981 c 51 § 64.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.650  Effective date and extended effective date — 1981 c 51.
[1981 c 51 § 65.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.656  Filing of certificate of authority.
[2009 c 188 § 904.]
Repealed by 2015 c 176 § 6131, effective January 1, 2016.

25.10.660  Rules for class not provided for in this chapter.
[2000 c 169 § 9; 1981 c 51 § 66.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.670  Application to existing partnerships.
[1981 c 51 § 67.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.676  Action by attorney general.
[2009 c 188 § 908.]
Repealed by 2015 c 176 § 6131, effective January 1, 2016.

25.10.680  Effect of invalidity of part of this title.
[1981 c 51 § 68.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.690  Section captions.
[1981 c 51 § 71.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.800  Merger — Plan — Effective date.
[1998 c 103 § 1314; 1991 c 269 § 11.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.810  Merger — Plan — Approval.
[1998 c 103 § 1315; 1991 c 269 § 13.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.820  Articles of merger — Filing.
[1998 c 103 § 1316; 1991 c 269 § 14.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.830  Effect of merger.
[1998 c 103 § 1317; 1991 c 269 § 15.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.840  Merger — Foreign and domestic.
[1998 c 103 § 1318; 1991 c 269 § 16.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.




25.10.900  Definitions.
[1991 c 269 § 17.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.905  Partner — Dissent — Payment of fair value.
[1991 c 269 § 18.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.910  Dissenters' rights — Notice — Timing.
[1991 c 269 § 19.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.915  Partner — Dissent — Voting restriction.
[1991 c 269 § 20.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.920  Partners — Dissenters' notice — Requirements.
[1991 c 269 § 21.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.925  Partner — Payment demand — Entitlement.
[1991 c 269 § 22.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.930  Partnership interests — Transfer restrictions.
[1991 c 269 § 23.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.935  Payment of fair value — Requirements for compliance.
[1991 c 269 § 24.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.940  Merger — Not effective within sixty days — Transfer restrictions.
[1991 c 269 § 25.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.945  Dissenter's estimate of fair value — Notice.
[1991 c 269 § 26.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.950  Unsettled demand for payment — Proceeding — Parties — Appraisers.
[1991 c 269 § 27.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

25.10.955  Unsettled demand for payment — Costs — Fees and expenses of counsel.
[1991 c 269 § 28.]
Repealed by 2009 c 188 § 1305, effective July 1, 2010.

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